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Small 'observatory'


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I'm reluctant to call what I am looking to do an 'observatory'. I am quite new to astronomy, and having started out a couple of months ago with a Celestron Nexstar 102 SLT, I have put together a rig cobbled together with s/h or ex-demo items that consists of an HEQ5 (which I'll upgrade to synscan some day), SPX 200 f/6, and Celestron Onyx 80 EDF. The weather has given me little opportunity to test the equipment, but it is a huge improvement over the 102 SLT. However, I have also found that storing this in the conservatory is far from ideal - as it leaks and so far I've not had a break in the clouds long enough to do a polar alignment.

So, I am looking at some kind of shed for the equipment, but I don't want a full-size observatory for a few reasons - cannot justify the cost, we are moving to the other side of the world in a year or so, and the only decent spot for observing would not accommodate an observatory (it would be in the middle of the garden, near the conservatory). So, because this is to be a temporary structure, primarily for storing and protecting the equipment, I don't want a pier, and I don't want it to be larger that 4' x 6', running lengthways parallel with the boundary fence, seated on decking, as low as possible, without a roll-off roof, but some means of access from the house side of the 4' side, the highest side facing north alonside the fence, being a pent sloping away from for the northern boundary, with a roof that is hinged in the middle and can fold right back, and a section at the front that is hinged and folds down.

OK, I've looked around, and I have not found anywhere that this has been done - I have found designs that come close, but nothing that quite fits what I need. Does anybody know if there are any designs online anywhere that I could utilise? Restriction to views to both East and West are not a huge issue, as there are trees at one end of the garden and the house at the other - whilst North doesn't have much to look at, and is more polluted than anywhere else. However, the view between South East and South West is clear and free from lighting and relatively clear of pollution, being only 1/2 mile from the sea.



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Sounds like you should buy a 6x4 pent roof shed and modify it - shorten the side panels to the height you want, make a removeable section in the front, the door might already be in the 4ft side.

Will 6x4 be enough space for you and your kit to work comfortably?

Or is this just a storage shed that you wheel the scope out of?

Hope this helps


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I'm sure that I've seen those mini tool store type sheds used. You just simply roll the whole thing out the way and use the scope in the open as usual.

In fact, come to think of it, doesn't SPM have something similar?

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