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First night in ages


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I cannot remember the last time I saw the stars! Anyway, last night I managed an hour or two while most of the sky was cloud free. I knew that it wasn't going to last so I just blasted around looking at lots of previous targets. But what was really interesting was how clear it was last night. Probably the best seeing I can remember. I am sure I could see a fuzzy patch where the double cluster was. I pointed the scope at it and it was the right place. Maybe just nearby stars? Or is the double cluster a naked eye object?

Andromeda certainly was naked eye. Through the EP at 26x magnification I got the clearest views yet of M110 and M33. The only one I struggled with last night was the White Rose Cluster, I couldn't find it anywhere! I'm sure it didn't help that it was almost directly at the zenith. I found myself doing the splits trying to look through the EP.

I finished the evening looking at Aldabaran, and I definitely didn't think it was Mars for the best part of quarter of an hour! :rolleyes:

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Glad you managed to get out there Julian - you did better than me! We had a total white out last night.

I'm sure the double cluster is visible as a faint smudge to the naked eye - it doesn't look like much but it is definitely there.

I'm still waiting with anticipation for the next time I can get out there - I'm starting to get frustrated with the promises made by the forecasting sites only to find it's worse than they predicted. Oh well, such is life I guess!

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Steph, I have resorted to the old fashioned method of sticking my head outside when it is dusk and seeing whether it is worth dragging the scope out to cool. Hope you get out again soon.

wulfrunian, I know what you mean. I was amazed I couldn't spot it. Maybe it is more loosely clustered than I imagine. ha ha, yes I couldn't see much on Aldebaran, even at 250x magnification. Surprising that. The story would improve if I told you that I had my 7 month pregnant wife standing out in the cold looking at 'mars'. I haven't confessed yet. I'll cook her something nice for tea first :rolleyes:

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:rolleyes: ah, she'll never know; Mars will be around earlier soon, then she'll see how much bigger it looks now it's closer! And as a bonus, your unborn child has had his/her first exposure to the night sky already :)

PS I saw from your profile that you're in Shropshire - do you know any dark sky sites? I'm thinking that if I ever fancy a trip to a darker sky, that'd be the direction to head in.

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