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Newbie seeks help

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Hi All

I just joined this wonderfull forum. Today i bought my first telescope.

Skywatcher heritage 130p . After i unboxed it and managed to open it to its full size, i realised that secondary mirror was turned all the way to the left, so all i could see was my knee. After i examined many photos of this scope on the internet i took the risk and turned it so its pointing to the centre of the primary mirror. Have i done something wrong? I desperadely seek advice because i dont know whether i will need to colimate (i dont know how).Its very cloudy tonight so i cant try :eek:. By the way the primary mirror screws on the very bottom of the telescope are all loosened. Is this ok?

Thank you all so much for any advice :rolleyes:

ps: im from southampton UK .

and sorry for my bad english (im from Slovakia originaly)

Thanks again :)

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Hi Shartep. Its very unusaul for a telescope to be delivered with the secondary mirror turned like that, especially skywatcher. I think the answer to will you have to collimate it is almost certainly yes. If you have a collimaing eyepiece then that will help. The screws on the back maybe slightly loose so the primary mirror is not over tight or under stress, you need to check which screws on the back are udjusters and which ones are tightening screws. Hope that helps a little.


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Greetings Shartep, and welcome to the SGL Forum.

Don't worry, collimation may seem a daunting task, but you will soon teach yourself how to do it successfully, and Astro Babe's Guide will be a great help.

Please try not to get finger marks on the secondary mirror whilst making adjustments.

If you need any more help, just ask, Guys on here are always eager to help you.

Good Luck.


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Thank you VERY much for such quick answers and tips. I just tried only thing i could: i aimed with 25mm at neighboor house which is about 50m away. I could see unbelievable clean picture and the whole structure of his wallpaint :) . At least i know that something works :rolleyes: .

Hoping for clear skies tonight

Thanks guys :eek:

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Hi shartep,

I just wanted to add you don't need to wait until you have a good clear night to test your new scope. It's probably easier to take it out in the daytime and point it about at some distant objects. This should help you practise how to focus and how the scope moves, it will also show you if the collimation is badly out. Basically if the secondary mirror is badly out the image you see through the eyepeice will be offset. If thats the case just follow astro_baby's guide it's very helpful and thats how I learned!! :)

I also have to mention if you do setup in daylight NEVER point your scope at the sun as it could damage your eyes!! :rolleyes: Ok it's probably not an issue with all the cloud today but still it's got to be said!! :eek:

Good luck and have fun with your shiny new scope. :(

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I have a heritage 130p and it arrived in a similar condition. Because the secondary is on a stalk rather than a spider (four vanes keeping it centred) it can rotate, you just need to turn get it into position. There are six screws on the primary, the three with flat heads adjust the mirror position the longer three should be tightened gently to hold the primary in place.Collimation is not too difficult. I had problems at first but I found Astro Baby's web site as recomended above, followed her intructions and it was simple. At first you won't get it bang on but with more practice your ability to collimate will certainly improve. I have found that collimation does not have to be too exact with this particular scope.

I have used my scope a lot and seen many things with it, as a starter scope I think it is excellent. Great views of the moon, Jupiter, M31, the Pleides and many other star clusters, double stars and recently some excellent views of the Orion nebula.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me a private message.

Oh and welcome

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Its wonderfull to see such warm welcome. Thank you. I just spent last 2 hours in my garden, enjoying few cloudless moments. ITS AWESOME:headbang:

Lovin it lovin it lovin it :). Kris77 i have done exactly what you said. I just rotated it to the position. But its hard to say whether i hit the right place or im few mm out. I dont know. Unfortunately i couldn find any planets (not surprised at all) but i was starring at countless stars. 25mm EP is great no problem at all. 10mm was a bit more challenge but after few minutes i was allright. But.... Then i tried Barlows (2x Ksonn) . I couldnt focus on any star at all. It was so bad that i checked few times whether i removed the protecting cap from the eyepiece :rolleyes: . All i could see was that stalk with secondary mirror (their dark siluettes) and something light surrounding it. I cant describe it better. I was desperate. I dont know whether this is caused by my original problems with secondary mirror or not. but without barlows i can see everything perfectly. Then i did the following. I removed barlows with eyepiece still attached, then i inserted it just a little tiny bit to the focuser again (not fully,just a bit) and i tightened the screws again. Suddenly a star appeared. Then i just adjusted the focuser and TADAaaa star was there, not perfect but at least i could say its a star. Is this normal? Shouldnt barlows be inserted to the bottom? same way as any other eyepiece?

Thanks for any advices guys.

But despite this little problem i MUST say that i can already feel that this will be my love for the rest of my life :eek: . I love every bit of it. And with such great community im sure i will soon be experiencing views of my life.

Thanks and Clear Skies to You ALL

ps: I will definitely let you know after my next adventures. But according to the weather forecast i will be waiting for at least 4-5 days.......

ps2: Only now i realise how much light pollution is in UK......

cant wait untill my holiday ( Slovakia Tatry mountains 2000m above the sea level, my friends hut..... Just us and 9999999999999 stars. oooo i cant wait :-----o

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Excellent. The only planet that you will see with this scope before midnight is Jupiter and four of its moons. It is easy to spot just look south and about 20 degrees above the horizon after six o'clock, it is the brightest thing in the sky. You should be able to see a couple of bands of colur in its atmosphere but not much more it is too low in the sky. Neptune is also up there but you may not see it with the 130p if you do it will probably be just a dot. Saturn is visible in the early morning about 5am I think (not exactly sure I'm asleep then). I can recommend a free download called Stellarium it will show you what too look for in the night sky and where to look for it, very good.

I think the problem with your barlow is simply caused by having to radically adjust the focus after you have inserted it into the focuser, by moving it further out you were altering the focus which then enabled you to see through it. I have a 2x barlow and I find that it dims my views too much so I don't use it on stars only on the moon or Jupiter.

Very jealous of what you will see in Slovakia, have a good trip.

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Thanks. Have you guys got any idea how to safely transport dob? Im trying to find some sort of suitable wide backpack or rucksack. But so far nothing... By the way do you prefer to transport it colapsed or as it is? (i mean 130p) . What do you think Kris77 ?


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By the way, today during daytime i first time noticed strange cracks on the scope. Because i had this scope just for 2 days and i was EXTREMELY carefull i believe that it was there when i recieved the package. Shame i didnt notice yesterday but it was too dark to see it. Do you guys think i should return it or maybe i can try to use some super glue or something..

here are links to two photos: heritage 130p shartep picture by shartep - Photobucket

heritage 130p shartep picture by shartep - Photobucket


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That does not look at all right to me - contact your supplier and send them the photos - if it's cracked that quickly with just normal use it won't last long.

While some scopes need a bit of tuning when you unpack them they should not need repairing after only 2 days !.


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Yeah obviously i meant like whether you are dismantling the tube from the mount before traveling. i would never leave it opened :) . But back to the subject. i sent email with photos to the telescopeplanet.co.uk following your advice guys. no response at allllll. cant wait until tomorrow.... if bombarding with emails wont help then i dont know what im gonna do. probably superglue or something :rolleyes: .

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Yeah obviously i meant like whether you are dismantling the tube from the mount before traveling. i would never leave it opened :eek: . But back to the subject. i sent email with photos to the telescopeplanet.co.uk following your advice guys. no response at allllll. cant wait until tomorrow.... if bombarding with emails wont help then i dont know what im gonna do. probably superglue or something :rolleyes: .

Get on the phone and make yourself a real nuisance - you are prefectly entitled to a replacement scope. Telescope Planet do not have a great reputation for service I'm afraid so you might need to really kick up a fuss but do it !!! - don't try and repair it yourself as that will give them an excuse not to replace it.

You don't have to just put up with this :)


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Sorted. Guy on the phone was really helpfull and very polite. They arranged courier for tomorrow. So within 2 days i should have my replacement. :rolleyes::hello2::):eek::hello2::(;):hello2::p

ps: any advice on Light pollution filters? or shoud i just grab some cheap one?

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