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baader hyperions

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After a conversation with another of like mind i find myself posting for views from you guys again. :icon_eek:

The conversation was regarding EPs, specificaly Baader Hyperions (68deg) and their quality, any views?

I have already decided on the Skywatcher Aero collection to match up with a 250PX flex but the jury is still out on what else to get, other than a Barlow that is :)

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Hiya nicnac - I have two Hyperions - a 13mm and a 5mm. I like the 13mm but dont really ever get on with the 5mm. Possibly sky conditions havent allowed me to ever get the best from it.

Build quality with mine was fine and overall the views are pretty good I find. Other people used my 5mm at Salisbury and quite liked it but I just never find it very comfy to use.

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Not keen on the 5mm either. But a bit OTT for both my scopes, though usable in the ST102. Mebbe it's the small exit pupil in the vast sea of glass? The 8mm is great, and IMO good at F5. From there on, there is a gradual increase of softening edges along with focal length (13mm, 17mm ). But nothing untoward / alarming, and in slower scopes, naturally this is lessened. ;)

The 21mm and 24mm are of slightly and significantly different optical construction resp., but in general progression with performance. The Aspherics are "interesting". At first, I wasn't too keen on the 31mm - Not convinced it is TWICE as good as a Moonfish etc. But sense (imagine?) edge softening may "recover" a bit in Asp Hyperions. :icon_eek:

The extension tubes potentially useful - and work. I was never TOO happy with exposing the inner glass to dust etc. The photo threads are VERY useful - for eyepiece projection etc. The Antares 1.6x 2" barlow works with hypes. Overall, I guess, unless you're going to spend significantly more, Hypes are "great" <wibble> - At least a "safe pair of hands"? :)

P.S. With 2" adaptation the MAK127 and Hype 31 make a lovely combo (TFoV ~1.45 Deg) for open clusters, and despite the usual "planetary scope" tag. :)

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I've only tried a 3.5mm Hyperion and that was pretty good I seem to recall. The 250PX is pretty tough on eyepieces so you will get some softening of stars towards the edges of the field of view in wide and ultra-wide eyepieces unless you spend big money on them. For medium to higher power the William Optics SPL's seem to be getting good reviews - they cost a bit less than Hyperions.

Are you planning on getting all 3 of the Skywatcher Aero's ? - I would have thought the 30mm would be the optimum one in your scope - the exit pupil provided by the 35mm and 40mm might cause problems with black outs and secondary shadow.


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I've only tried a 3.5mm Hyperion and that was pretty good I seem to recall. The 250PX is pretty tough on eyepieces so you will get some softening of stars towards the edges of the field of view in wide and ultra-wide eyepieces unless you spend big money on them. For medium to higher power the William Optics SPL's seem to be getting good reviews - they cost a bit less than Hyperions.

Are you planning on getting all 3 of the Skywatcher Aero's ? - I would have thought the 30mm would be the optimum one in your scope - the exit pupil provided by the 35mm and 40mm might cause problems with black outs and secondary shadow.


i did plan on all three Aeros, a couple of Nirvanas and maybe a PanaView or two, to be honest i would have liked to stick with just the one brand but i suppose the FOV is whats sought after. Those Hyperions claim to have the same FOV as the Aeros and thats what cought my attention, the mm range with the skywatcher brand are what 52 deg.

you know, i thought choosing a scope was a pain!

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i did plan on all three Aeros, a couple of Nirvanas and maybe a PanaView or two, to be honest i would have liked to stick with just the one brand but i suppose the FOV is whats sought after. Those Hyperions claim to have the same FOV as the Aeros and thats what cought my attention, the mm range with the skywatcher brand are what 52 deg.

you know, i thought choosing a scope was a pain!

All the ones you list are good eyepieces - the Nirvana's especially so (unless you wear glasses to observe or are not partial to very wide fields of view). It's just that some of them seem to more or less duplicate the job that others do (eg: I can't see the point of owning a 30mm and a 35mm eyepiece - the views are so close you would only find yourself using one of them).

For many people 4-5 eyepieces are all that's needed - say a 30mm, a 16mm, an 9mm and a 6mm or something like that.

Have you read this ?:


It's highly recommended :icon_eek:


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you can tell im new to telescopes i think :icon_eek:

the wife says im over anylizing again, even begun to question scope choice now, im thinking Mak 127 again ....... maybe :)

damn, the EP issue still there..

This can be hard work !! ;)

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