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guidescope rings???

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want to use a big camera lens on my mount but the lens foot is not enough so will need a single ring to anchor the front end..

Any suggestions re. most versatile diameter to choose? barrel is 95mm OD where `i plan to fix the ring!



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What Merlin said.....!

I've got the William Optics 100mm guide rings and they are superb, but I'm not sure they'd work for you.

Have you considered a camera adaptor or bar clamp? These should work just fine and if it's a large telephoto you're using these normally come with a tripod ring mount to take the strain of the lens mounting.

I think I'm right that providing your mount is tracking correctly it doesn't really matter where you attach the camera.



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;) wow!

Now that's a serious piece of glass!

I can see why you'd rather have that secured with guide rings than simply use the lens mount. Don't want that baby slipping during a slew!

I still might go with the bar mount thought. If you've got a good manfrotto ball head with quick release and tripod ring mount you should be able to keep it in an upright position and it'll get you more flexibility for framing your shots.

I'd use the quick release to slip it off if you're moving or skewing the scope though. But then I'm uber cautious with L glass anyhoo!

Clear skies


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