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What do I do if I have a sloping garden?

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Our garden is great for Southward views, but it makes setting up any kind of tripod awkward as none of it is flat and is actually quite steep. What are my options? Is there a good spirit level accessory that can tell me when I've adjusted the legs properly (assuming an EQ tripod has variable leg adjustment)? Once I have the legs set I could mark them so it should be easier to do next time.

Everywhere is a bit hilly around here, there may be flatter spots at the top of the hill but it still may be a slight gradient. In the bottom of the valley are two main roads with constant traffic so I don't want to be down there.

In my Northward view I could just see all of the Plough last month, anything below that was obscured by the top of the hill.

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I usually set up my tripod with the legs almost completely retracted, which puts my telescope at the right height so that I can sit on a stool to use it. If you set things up with the upper two legs retracted in this way, I'm sure the third could be extended downhill to deal with the slope in your garden no matter how steep it is.

Unless, of course, you happen to be a nesting puffin.

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I have an ambubble level fitted and it makes short work of levelling. Steve @FLO has them on sale. The only thing I would say with two short and one long, if the garden is quite steep be careful and watch for slippage in the lower leg. Otherwise I would think you'd be fine. My garden isn't level (it's not real steep either tthough) and I just adjust the pegs to suit. I operate on the shortest leg length providinggreatest stability so have plenty of leeway. Good luck

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Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll have a look around for a suitable spirit level and see how I get on. Don't want to start digging out unless I have to as this would make mowing that area difficult! (we use a ride-on mower).


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As a minimal (impact-free? LOL) solution, THREE semi-sunken(!) concrete blocks / bricks? :)

I think even a 4-off 60cm^2 flagged area is infinitely superior to... nothing. It's surprising how much you can fit on - Despite an increasing waistline. Almost requisite for accurate GoTo. If the surroundings are grassed, keeps yer shoes dry too. ;)

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i'd definately go with the cutting a level patch idea as if you're on a slope then there's always the chance of the mount and scope toppling and you can guarentee that no matter how slim that chance is it will happen when you have the most expensive / fragile equipment attached

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