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moon mosaic, should I keep going?


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Hi all.

while imaging NGC342 on the 9/10/09 the moon came up and put a stop to the gathering of any more colour data, so I thought can't beat it image it.

so I sat at the scope for 3-4 hours gathering 120 Avis' until the clouds rolled in I knew the seeing was not great but thoughtI would go for it anyway as I didn't have work the next day.

I have been half heatedly processing the data since then but am now not sure if I should continue with the processing for a few reasons:

I messed up the first run of five Avis' by imaging too soon after clearing the dew off the secondary with a hair drier (turbulence still present) after catching the blue data for a DSO,

the seeing not being the best and being restricted to 30 FPS due to a motherboard problem,(in the back of my mind I know at a faster frame rate the image would have been sharper).

The biggest issues making me think I should call it a day on this is the blurred bottom to the image and the numerous soft spots showing up in the edges of some of the Avis' due to the poor seeing.

The image below is the first 30 avis' @ 50%.

And the full size is Here

I still have 90 Avis' to do.

keep at it or save the effort for better data?:D



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Hi i would either make a square section photo, chopping of the bits that havent workd. or maybe some selective extra shrpening or deconvoution only on the bad bits.

Experiment to see how much the problem can be hidden by extra selective sharpening. If it canot, a large square boarder would still look good. Shame to waste the data. the rest looks good.

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I would continue with the data you have, you don't know how long it will be before you can image that particular phase again - it could be years. You may also at some future date be able to capture e.g. just that bottom bit and repair your image without the need for another 100 odd avis.

You just love running Registax all day long don't you :D


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Thanks Neil I might give that a go.:D

I would continue with the data you have, you don't know how long it will be before you can image that particular phase again - it could be years. You may also at some future date be able to capture e.g. just that bottom bit and repair your image without the need for another 100 odd avis.

You just love running Registax all day long don't you :)


Yes it is the most fun you can have :)

I might just do a few a day as and when I can and if I manage a better run of data I will move on to that and come back to this again in a low period.

Thanks guys.

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