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Mirror washing and dust caps


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2 queries, if I might make so bold please?

In changing computers, I've lost the link to the video of the american bloke showing you how to wash your primary mirror. He was a largish chap (no offence intended!) and he seemed to do it in the sink with washing up liquid, cotton wool and distilled water. Does that ring any bells at all?

Secondly, I've been passed a 114mm scope that has been stored for some time with no cap on the end of the tube (hence needing to wash the primary!) Does anyone know where I can get a new end/dust cap from at all please?

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Interesting video that, using his hands to wash the mirror that could get some people mighty stressed.

I thought the same thing Pete but when I was washing mine the mirror look alot more able to take a little washing with your fingers then you would think. I wouldn't use my nails but the skin of your fingers in conjunction with washing up liquid shouldn't be a problem.

But saying that I still chicken out and used cotton wall balls to wash it.

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Interesting stuff

I don't have the speakers plugged so I couldn't hear what he was saying.

How did he dry the mirror off ?

The only mirror I have washed was in my diagonal, after wards I used a hair drier to make sure there were no streak stains.


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Going back to the video, it actually makes sense, so long as your fingers are clean you finger tips are fairly non abrasive, very sensitive to pressure and you can easily feel any "grit" and not rub it as you might with a cottonwool ball.

Using tap water is fine although for final rinse I would use distilled water and if you could still get it photographic wetting agent in the final wash so as not to get spotting when you put the mirror vertical to dry.

The guy works for a mirror making and coating company so his comments about the robustness of mirror finishes ring true.

Maybe our paranoia about cleaning optics is skewed by historic problems when coatings and materials were a lot less robust.

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so long as your fingers are clean you finger tips are fairly non abrasive, very sensitive to pressure and you can easily feel any "grit" and not rub it as you might with a cottonwool ball.

That was exactly the advice and rationale passed on to me by Bern at Modern Astronomy. I've cleaned two mirrors that way without them coming to any harm.


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That was exactly the advice and rationale passed on to me by Bern at Modern Astronomy. I've cleaned two mirrors that way without them coming to any harm.


I trust Bern to give good advice so when I do need to clean my mirrors thats the way I will go, good idea to give them a good soak first to loosen any stubborn "dirt" and then a good "blast" from the spray head before the handwashing.

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:) Brilliant! Simple, yet brilliant!

I'm gonna get me one of those flowery ones that the old ladies wear in the swimming pool (technically a swimming hat). Fantastic!

Thank you kindly!

You are welcome, IMO the more outlandish the better, especially if you ever go to a star party :D

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I'm just making a dewshield from a foam camping mat (£3.99 inc post off the bay) and it had crossed my mind that a disc of it with a 2" or so wide strip glued round the edge would make a really nice end cap for my dob (shower caps woudn't be big enough for it anyhow). I could also make another one, cut an aperture in it and fit a piece of solar film. Stick some velcro straps to hold it to the tube so it couldn't blow off and I've then got a solar scope too

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I see a boom in shower cap sales! Buy shares in shower cap companies.

SWMBO looked at me like I had a screw loose when I asked her to get one at the shops for me (she was going anyway). She WILL buy me the worst one she can find!

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I see a boom in shower cap sales! Buy shares in shower cap companies.

SWMBO looked at me like I had a screw loose when I asked her to get one at the shops for me (she was going anyway). She WILL buy me the worst one she can find!

A picture of the scope in all its shower cap glory is a must!

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