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Astro Adventures near Bude....


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We stayed there once and had a lovely time. They were really interested, interesting and helpful. The skies are dark and the big scope was a 50cm dob through which I saw the horsehead nebula.

It is close to a lots of close (by car) different daytime interests too for family.


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The lodges were Ok. When we went they had a supplementary electric powered hot air heater (if I remember right). It was warm when they were on and cooled quickly when they were off (It was Nov). I don't know if things are set up differently now. If you are there with astronomy people - no probs. If with a young family bring an extra blanket or two (again just based on our week in nov 05, might be different now)


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I'd recommend Astro Adventures to anyone.

The skies are great if you're lucky with the weather, Murray and Tony are really great guys who are willing to help and have extensive knowledge, and the equipment is amazing. The views through the half meter Dobsonian are incredible and the Intes Mak-Newt performs really well with a DSLR there's a few images in the gallery from me Images by Jordan Cook :D

The lodges are really nice and the heating works well :) just turn it off and on as you wish. As said already there's plenty to do during the day in the area.

Just ask Murray and he'll get his Coronado solar scope out as well.


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Cheers for that - I want to go even more now :D

Great images Jordan, some objects for me to aim for there, thanks for sharing. I am seriously interested in using the 20" Dob there, however I would have to take my own 12" too. I am only counting stuff I have seen through my own scope, so I'd have to look at everything twice! What a hardship! lol

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