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Hunter's Moon


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I shouldnt really complain, I got about 4 hours imaging done last night, including some of the moon itself.

JohnH's superb pics the other week were taken at 91% full IIRC.

The 7nm filter just chopped right through the glow, and later on the wind died down pretty well too.

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I cant remember the moon being so big bright and crisp as it is now for some time.

If you are taking photos of it, please finish them before midnight, as I need to get the moon turned off by then in order to grab some deep sky stuff.

Anybody got Bruce Willis' phone number? I have a little mining/demolition job for him.


The man you really want was Col. McCauley in Men into Space. This gent landed on 3 mile by 1 asteroid, decided, after saving a scientist blinded by the sun that as it was approching Earth he should blow it up and did in 5 minutes flat with a explosives doing such a good job there were no bits or anything left. Then back to earth to find (later) the scientist, sight restored, had decided to breed guide dogs for the blind. Strangely enough most of the science is OK and with the non-stop Walter Cronkite commentary to descibe the hard bits was (then) quite believable. Now you think - if only with the steady progress from earth to space station (at 3,000 miles), to moon, to Mars. With no space race to the moon then nothing like the real thing just the US quietly going - with hardly a reporter in sight after the first flight.

Some reckon that men into space, shewn in 1959, spoiled the real Lunar stuffs impact as in the TV series they did it better (though they often lost men) AND they had the advantage that all their space stuff was visible on an outside the craft camera insted of just inside the tin can as happened in the real stuff.

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Going back a few posts... you wont need Bruce's number. Will be cheaper to just borrow the shuttle and book a little space on one of the outside experiement panels of the ISS.. then rig ur scope on that. If u want imaging you'll have to get some snazzy motorised mount geared up for a 22,000mph orbit! lol. If you can settle for just some quality scope observing you'll have to book extra spacesuit/EVA time with NASA tho lol.

You'll probably get a better view of DSO's with a 66m Frac up there than my 10" Newt down here LOL.


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