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Jupiter onslaught advice needed

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I have not been having any luck with the stripy so and so therefore I thought that I might seek help. the weapon of choice so far has been the 8 inch Newt. but I wondered if I had made the wrong choice. In the armoury I have the Newt. as well as a 5" Achrofrac and a MakCass OMC140.

The Newt gathers more light and allows me to use a Barlow plus a bellows extension to get the image size up so I have been going down the bigger (image) is better route. After trying for colour, colour with IR block, mono SC3, mono plus bandpass filter and mono plus IR block.

The AVI files that I get suffer from seeing problems and only 10% of the frames are in focus enough to look useable, but out of those 10% about four or five frames actually line up as they are all different shapes and sizes.

Clues would be very much appreciated.

Captain Chaos

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Your F/8 Helios scope should be good CC pop a 2x Barlow in and you will have a nice large image scale if not try pulling the barlow out a little then screwing it in and do the same with ya webcam adapter in the Barlow :D. The Mak will be better for CA though although you can edit that out with photoshop..


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CC. I'm sure your seeing is the problem not the scope. I am having exactly the same trouble with Jupiter and know that the scope is well collimated and will perform given the chance. Like you I get the odd moment when lots of detail springs into view then everything reverts to fuzzy bands. Think it may help waiting until around 2.00pm but its getting lower by then.

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Jupiter is low down at the moment, and as mentioned seeing is the problem not your equipment. Being a bright object you dont need much aperture to see it (although obviously resolution comes with aperture). Depending on what you want to see of the planet i would go with your refractor. If that isn't big enough then the smallest central obstruction on your biggest aperture. Focal length isn't an issue if you have good quality barlows. I would have thought your OMC140 would be the best performer.

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