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NGC 7635 - Bubble Nebula


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Image: 24 X 300sec subs at ISO1600

Camera: Modded Canon 1000D

Telescope: Orion XT8 8" reflector

Autoguiding: QHY5 and ST80 on an EQ6 Syntrek

Software: EQMOD, DSS, PHD, Guidemaster, CdC, PixInsight

Here my version of the Bubble Nebula. I'm not very pleased with it as I didn't have the camera very well seated in the focuser and it looks like I could have had a better focus. On the good side the bubble is there and it doesn't look too bad. The bubble is about 10,000 light years away in a big gas cloud, there a hot star in the middle blasting out a powerful solar wind giving that distinctive shape - quite cool really!



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nice image there mate and definately got the bubble. Tis a shame about the focusing, hate it when it happens to me.

Must gove this a go sometime, another one to the todo list.

Lovely colours on the modded EOS and gives me hope i can do similar with my ED120 and EOS350 modded.

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