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Jupiter 11th August


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Some decent seeing for a while last night meant I was too busy at the laptop to look at the Perseids!

I only get good seeing when the boring side of Jupiter is visible. Starting to get the hang of the DMK21.

One surprise was that I got much more detail processing in Registax 4 than Registax 5. mmmm not sure why.

Any ideas?




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The Joops are coming along great Peter.....and as for Registax 5 I personally find it still very much inclined to "hissy fits" and rely on V4 to get me out of trouble constantly: I've re-contacted Cor Berrevoets of Registax but haven't heard back on my latest "whine" yet.....but i find it a real shame considering the additional options it has that I like to use, re this "temeramentality.":evil6:

Still. it is freeware.....but often it'll be that "doink of death" during alignment wherein the "failed to decompress avi file" window of woe appears and you know it doesn't want to know about the avi.....put it in V4 and 90-odd% or more of the time there's no worries at all with processing it....!:)

.....or that othe "pain-in-the-butt" problem where during "create reference frame" stage it suddenly decides a colour image should be mono and it's "like-it-or-lump-it-buddy!!!:p - which is a tad better than "cop-mono-now-mate-and-when-you-try-to-apply-wavelets-we'll-really-flamin'-annoy-you!!!!!":eek::):eek:

I've removed absolutely every/anything on the pc and re-installed till I'm blue in the face and then some more avenues.....but "it don't do no nuffin" as they say.....oh well, we live in hope, and thank The Lord for Registax 4....!:eek::D:D

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