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jupiter july 28th good seeing poor trans

neil phillips

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Once again i set up late due to clouds i didnt trust. so i only had a short window before i lost it to my house wall. as i got the first capture under way a bank of mist came that played havoc with trans, forcing me to do a dancing game with gain. the mist was too heavy to film through even with full gain the image was to dim on most exposures, but nearer the end it thined out just enough to get a few. what the night lacked in trans it made up for in the calming effect of the mist.Would love to have gone higher than my 3x televue. but trans made that idea impossible still im happy with this capture my best so far this year i think. will have to save up for a filter wheel and filters at some point. but im enjoying shooting red none the less.

the capture is a resize, but its held up well because of the seeing the bottom one is 150% the top 130% 2 min capture y800 red filter



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