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30 minutes of WOW...


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So, I got a scope about 2-3 weeks ago, and some bins about a month prior to that. Just my luck that on any night I've been able to go get some viewing, its been clouded over.

Had a quick peek out the window at 2300, and noticed it was crystal clear, and even from inside+lit area I could clearly see a lot already...yup...I went for it

moved scope outside, grabbed all the bits and had a quick go with the bins. Didn't really know what I was looking at other than "the plough", but I could see a lot with the naked eye so figured I'd just hop to whatever comes into the FOV.

There was an orange/red coloured star reasonably high up, to the left of ursa major, but it was on its own so had a tough time locking onto it, then moved right over to mizar/alcor

After about 15 minutes cloud started coming from the ursa major direction, reasonably fast and heavy.

I figured I'd take the bins down the drive and out onto the estate, much to my surprise I noticed a rather "fat" orange star low on the horizon, quick look with the bins and I could see 4 very small pin-***** sized white lights around it, 2 on either side. It clicked, this has to be jupiter! It litterally took me 3 minutes before I could move, I was so amazed that this is the first object I've indentified and seen

Grabbed the scope straight away and at olympic speed I had that badboy setup. I wasn't overly impressed at the size it appeared, probably about the size of the tip of a biro pen, but still, was better than nothing!

I will have to post up what eyepieces I have, cos I know I should see better if I use the right setup, I went for the "hot potato" approach and tried anything

All in all I'd say a rather successful, but short session coming from someone that hasn't figured out how the mount works yet...

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Sounds like you had an excellent time. Jupiter is a bit awkward at the momen, it's very bright but still very low to the horizon so doesn't take to higher magnifications very well so you are probably better off having a smaller disc, you'll probably see more.

Keep going at it, there are plenty more WOW moments to come.


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