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Beware if offered a cheap ED100 in gold ....


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It'll stand out like a sore thumb when they try to sell it (which they will, they clearly don't have the brain cells to appreciate it), and when they do it'll be patently obvious that this sub amoebic specimen knows nothing of the scope, nothing of astronomy and that will most likely raise suspicions that its hookey.

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I saw this at the time and like most people was disapointed with the world we live in.

However, I've since seen it reported on another forum where some members were thinking of a collection to raise some cash to replace the lads scope. Following the thread some other members then warned people to think again due to them knowing the person involved in reporting this story - so indicating it may not be as it seems ?

If it is an actual theft then I'm saddened by this for the person who has suffered the loss and hope they get sorted soon.


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