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MEADE DSI I Pro - problems - HELP!

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Having big problems getting the DSI Pro to do anything on my Obs PC.

If I connect the DSI to my PC in the house, no problems at all. Start up Envisage and there is a live image...great.

Do the same on the Obs PC and nothing! Just get the 5 frames error.

I've tried reinstalling the Drivers, have installed, uninstalled, re installed etc etc.. no change.

I even took the exterme step of Wiping the Obs PC ( Needed a clean out anyways ) and reinstalling a fresh copy of XP.

Exactly the same problem. Tried different USB cables, different USB ports, still no change.

The only thing I can see is that the Obs PC is a Compaq Presario SR1000 (SR1519UK) whereas my Home PC is a hybrid build I did myself.


I got myself a Belkin Powered USB hub today.....

Connected it all up..... Connected the Meade DSI and..............

Nothing, same as before.

The DSI is recognised, even loads up the drivers twice for it.

Recognises and loads up then says installed correctly.

But again, when I go to Envisage 7, theres no display at all.

If I try and connect the DSI to PHD it crashed and reboots the whole system, If I try and connect it via MaxDl it says that the Camera Link has failed.

Dunno what else to do.....???

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Do you have XP on your Obs PC, and is it loaded with Service Pack 2/3. and all updated. Not sure if any of that matters, but as far as USB2 I believe service pack 2 is required. I now the DSI's struggled with Vista, but XP is quite friendly towards the camera.

Why don't you join the Meade 4M group. There is a forum on the DSI's that will bring you a solution I'm sure.



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My DSI doesn't like long cables at all.

I use a powered USB extension and a short cable to connect to that.

I assume you have tried just connecting into the obsy computer with a short cable?



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Yup, tried connecting with just a short USB cable direct to the PC, same problem.

DSI is def working as it works great on the PC in the house, just not on the obsy one.

I'm gonna reformat the entire system again from scratch tomorrow and try again from fresh.

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OK, here's the latest.

System Wiped and reloaded with XP SP3

All .NET Frameworks downloaded and installed.

Meade Envisage 7 downloded and installed.

Still the same...cannot get it to work. In Envisage I get the 5 frames failed xfer error. tried a short USB cable, tried connecting it to a powered usb hub...nothing!

If I try and run Nebulosity or PHD and capture anything with the DSI, the whole system reboots. The thing is, I tried it again on the hybrid PC in the lounge and it works.

I've turned off legacy USB in the BIOS on the Obs PC, nothing chnges, still won't work.

Have made sure I got the latest USB 2.0 drivers installed and have the enhanced USB controller listed in device manager, the system STILL asks me to connect to a USB 2.0 port to go faster even though I AM!

Just about completely and utterly fed up with this now!!

It's a crystal clear night tonight, but I'm finding that I'm spending more time trying to configure things than actually doing any imaging.

If I can't get the damn thing to work on the Obs PC I'll sell it!!!!!!

Form an orderly queue!!

( also posted on UKAI)

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Its definately a USB2 your connecting to ?

Is anything else connected to the same hub?

I have a DSI Ic & DSI IIIc , they dont like being on the same hub.

They dont like some long cables either, tho my DSI III runs ok on a 5mtr cable with gold plated conectors for some reason, but not if I conect with a hub

When running both at the same time, my DSI III goes straight to laptop, the dsi 1 goes to a belkin hub into usb at the opposite side of the laptop.

If I conect both on the same side, everything goes to pot

Good luck

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The DSI's are power hungr cams and sometimes even if you are usign a powered hub the PSU supplied with it is not up to the job...

I used to run a DSI IC and DSI IIC at the same time of a powered hub but using a 5A PSU conencted to the hub rather the 1.5A one that came with it... this fact is soemtimes in the very small fine print on the Hub packaging...

I used to use a porper 5M active repeater cable betwwen the laptop and the Hub that was fixed to the mount... then use 1.5M cables from the hub to the cameras... had no issues with this config...

With USB you have a couple of issue that need lookign at and solving - the first is Power especially with laptop ports which is where "remote end" the powered hub comes in , the second is data signal quality - where active repeater cables help


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Well I can never ever figure out if its connected to USB 2 or not. I have the USB enhanced drivers in Device manager. I've disconnected EVERYTHING else and connected the DSI to the port that says USB 2.0 , it also saus that there are 8 other usb 2.0 ports that can be used and these are on the rear of the pc.

When I connect the DSI it asks to install the drivers, it does this twice whislt the DSI is connected. It the states that the device can work faster if connected to a USB 2.0 port, but the only ports I have are usb 2.0 and the drivers are installed ( hence the enhanced USB listing ion Device Manager )

Grrr.. bloomin thing!!!!!!!

I just wanna get imaging....

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If windows is reporting that it'll run faster if connected to a USB2 port, then windows doesn't believe the port is USB2. Which USB drivers are you using for the internal USB bus ? Are the ports Mobo mounted or on an expansion card ? If on the Mobo, make sure you're using the Mobo drivers provided by the manufacturer just in case, the MS ones don't work properly. Also, worth a quick check in the device manager (you can find this in the computer management control panel applet) and select view, show hidden devices, there might be something lurking that's causing you an issue, although I'm not sure what it might be.

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