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Nebula Filter Question

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Simple question: Would a filter (I'm thinking of the Skywatcher OIII Filter) make a difference in reasonably dark skies (ie dark enough to see the Milyway) when observing nebula? In other word is it worth getting one?

The scope is 10" Skywatcher Dob.


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I have one coming as a prezzie for fathers day so I'lll post a first light report as soon as i can.

Mines going to be a 2" Skywatcher O111 from FLO.

As far as I know O111 filters dim surrounding stars quite a bit so the more light gathering aperture you have the better the outcome.

Being 10" I think it should work well in your scope.

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I was interested in these as well (although I haven't had a chance to observe any nebula- with or without filters). So its not just aimed at those experiencing heavy light pollution? Because I have pretty dark skies as well.

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I have an Astronomik OIII filter and it works very well even in my 4 inch refractor so there should be no problems with an OIII and your 10 inch. They are effective on nebulae and in particular planetary nebulae - the best add-on for galaxies though are dark skies !.


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2" Skywatcher O111

Now that's interesting. I had heard / read a ton of books that suggest that a UHC is the one "does it all" nebula filter so assuming you don't have a UHC already, then what made the decision on OIII ?

I was about to purchase one recently (UHC that is, but stopped short of the pin number).

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There is not to much between them but I wanted an O111 mainly for the Veil Nebula which I've heard it excells at. Also because of the light grasp of the 16" I quite like tracking down these hard to see planetary nebulas and especially the Abell ones so a O111 filter should be just the ticket for these.

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So its not just aimed at those experiencing heavy light pollution?

After doing some more research, it seems with an OIII filter any improvement will be much less noticable in dark skies. So how much useful it will be in dark skies I'm not sure yet.

And Talitha thank you very much for your link; it was very useful.

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