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Piggyback photos


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On top of my main Imaging tube, I mounted a WO72 with FR and modded 350D. As I am off axis guiding, the fittings previously used for a guidescope have become redundant, so I figured they might as well be put to some use.

Below is a selection of pics taken with that setup. I have no remote timer unit yet for the canon, so I just used an IR shutter release to grab the images, so the exposure times etc are all over the place, but the results aren't too shabby I dont think.

I dont think any of these have more than an hour of exposure. EOS Clip CLS filter from Astronomik was used.

The eventual plan is to have two similar FL OTA's grabbing data on the same target simultaneously, one just for Luminance, and the other for RGB. Not sure when that will come off, but maybe long term. It'd make the most of the short periods of clear sky.

Thanks for looking,






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Nice set with some whacky colours...

The ability to take simultaneous wide and narrow field imaging is a real bonus... Something I have been able to do for a while with a triple OTA setup and was one of the main reasons for getting Registar as you can combine the hi-res narrow field image of the target with a widefield rich star field...


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