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Modded DSLRs for daytime


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I know this has been asked loads of times before but could someone please clarify?

The wife and I agree that there's no point having two DSLRs around the house and the Sony A-300 could go, but I want to make sure the modded 450D will be just as easy to use for daytime photography.

As we take lots of snapshots and stuff we don't want to go through every photo in PS and correct the colour. We also don't want to have to make a new custom WB setting for every condition (sunlight, tungten etc.)

So is there a setting which shifts the colour setting away from teh pinkish tinge so auto WB will still work? Or is the only way to get a EOS clip OWB filter?


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I'd like to know the options, too. I understand that if you modify the IR filter AND add the clip OWB filter, then the camera is indistinguishable from the original in every function. Am I wrong?

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I have been using an OWB Filter (not a clip in, but a screw-on in front of the lens) and have been using it for daylight photography with excellent results. No colour correction.

I bought it from Astronomiser for £70.



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Modern Astronomy have the Astronomik OWB filter for £134. That's the one that screws onto the front of lenses and it apparently has a 50mm filter thread so we'd need step-up step-down rings for different lenses.

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If you add glass in the form of an OWB filter, the focus will be slightly out. Because the filter is quite thin, the difference is minimal, but if you compare like-for-like shots with and without, you'll see that without the OWB filter, the focus is marginally sharper. For everyday use, I'd say this makes very little difference, but in terms of what a camera like a 450D *can* do the effect can be a littele disappointing - OK, an example.

I had a family of blue **** living in my house wall and set up my modded 450 to take a few shots using a Sigma DC 18-200 lens at 200 - using the OWB filter, the shot was noticeably out of focus, but without you can pick out the individual feathers. So for fast f-ratios and fast shutter speeds, it's not so good, but without the filter it's fine.

I used a standard CWB with the camera set in manual mode and no filters - the CWB was set by photographing a piece of white paper out of focus.

Normally, for holiday snap type shots, it's fine either with an OWB clip or using my normal method of a levels adjustment in photoshop (for most shots, an 'auto levels' will do it)


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I use my modded 1000d without any filter. Use custom white balance.

OK, if you shoot in diffrerent lighting you need to change CWB but as I never use the 1000d in doors I only need the daylight CWB and it works for me. I used this on the 300d. I did have an IDAS filter with that but it gave everything a blue tint so plumped for the CWB instead.


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