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First proper attempt at saturn...

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Right, I actually READ one of the many guides to taking good images, and then went outside and gave it a good go. So here's my first proper Saturn. I'm quite pleased with it. You can see the rings crossing the planet!

Made using 1000 frames captured with K3CCDtools, stacked with Registax.

Any suggestions for next time?



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That's a great first Saturn Eli. :cool:

I've taken many images of Saturn with the 130PM and a Toucam. If you want a larger image you will need to use a barlow and maybe an IR cut filter would give a more natural colour.

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That was through a 2x barlow. I was thinking about trying to get my hands on a bigger barlow, but it was difficult enough getting saturn on the chip at 2X, I can't imagine how hard 4x would be! My red-dot finder isn't really precise enough to make it easy...

I have an IR/UV filter on order, so I'll try it again then!

I'd be interested to see the images you got with your 130pm, so I can see what's possible. Do you have them online?

Thanks for the comments, anyway!


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D.O. - see my comments re Dr D and his first Saturn.....an extension tube is far better than stacking 2 barlows (no added glass to the equation) and you can adjust the scale to the limits of the night's seeing and the scope's capability.

An extension tube is just a hollow pipe that "pulls back" whatever cam you're using from the end of the barlow (single) and naturally increases the image scale/size.....

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