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Sneeze on the Screen ;-)

Roy Batty

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I love the comments I get from my wife, this got "lovely Dear it looks like you've sneezed on the screen" :):rolleyes: don't you just love the inspirationly support you get from your significant other halves.

I was inspired to try this target from seeing Rob Hodgkinsons' closeup a few days ago, thanks Rob :cool:.

NGC4631 is quite high in the sky by the time its dark enough to image at the moment so my subs were not affected too much by the dreaded LP.

Here's the details:

Prime focus DSLR on C8-N, ISO800, 27 X 5min subs;

Guided with QHY5 on ED80 using PHD,

Processing PixInsight DBE, PS CS3




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Snot bad at all that Keith:D:D. Sorry, I just had to


Edited by myself, as my original choice of words may have caused offence. I apologise unreservedly if that was the case.


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