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M63 - The Sunflower Galaxy - another try


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This object and I don't get on too well but I feel that I have made a little progress with this one as I have got some more 'flocculation' (thanks for introducing me to the word, Martin!) and the dust lane at the base is a fraction more distinct.

16 subframes of 400 seconds each with my SXVF-M25C, Baader MPCC and Skywatcher 8" Newtonian.


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The image is great....but I have become slightly distracted by the word flocculation...sounds a bit rude! going to look that one up online.

self flocculation....the photo was flocculated..a flocculation of owls... :-D oh thats it now 20 mins of making up uses for the word flocculation without knowing its true meaning!

Neil C

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on the far left of the pic, is that another Galaxy

Ironically, I can identify the one on the right at 2 O'clock as UGC 8313 but I cannot identify the one on the left but it is indeed another galaxy.

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For a target you don't get on with, that's one heck of a fine image Steve. :cool:

I really like the scale. The other 2 galaxies give a great sense of depth and the star colour has come out very nicely.



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