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Is it normal


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I have converted a webcam to use with my scope.

I was able to use it last night on saturn with fair results. I have just used the webcam mod this morning in daylight with the purpose of fine tuning my finderscope. I was focused on a firestation building about 4-5 miles away. I got the building in focus, but what I did find was that the perfectly clear blue sky was washed out and came out all grey on my monitor. No amount of fiddling solved it.

My question is... Is gray sky normal with this high magnification?

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We you converted the webcam and removed the old lense there is also a small square IR filter which sits behind it.

The sky is washed out due to the IR , if its sunny you wont see anything if you point the webcam outside at all as the amount of IR given off by the sun just washes out the sensor completley.

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