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Recommended eyepieces to go with 80ED?

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i will just have to be rigidly disciplined and not buy any 2" e/ps (although recent form suggests I may fail :))

Hah, good luck!

To own an ED80 without a low-mag' wide-field 2" eyepiece is tantamount to criminal. It'd be like living under a dark sky without a telescope:evil4:
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Fortunately the Celestron ED80's f7.5 f-ratio means it will work well with just about anything. If it were me though I'd probably opt for a wide-field, but not necessarily an ultra-wide. I used to own some ultra-wide 82-degree Nagler eyepieces but our eye cannot encompass more than about 70-degrees so I had to tilt my neck to peer into the edges, when it came to replace them I opted for some 68-70 degree super-wides.

For an ED80, I would probably buy the 38mm 70-degree Skywatcher Panaview (16x mag, 5mm exit-pupil). If I had deeper pockets it'd be the new 40mm Skywatcher Aero ED (15x mag, 5.3mm exit-pupil). Better eyepieces do exist but you'd need to spend at least double and I would struggle to justify that for an f7.5 doublet.


PS: Andrew has just finished a review of both the above eyepieces so watch out for that in the review section soon.

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Thanks for that, Steve.

How well is the Panaview suited to my F10 C6S? I've been considering a wide EP for a while.

But I also quite fancy the Hyperion Zoom for ease of use at higher magnifications.

Decisions, decisions...

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Thanks for that, Steve.

How well is the Panaview suited to my F10 C6S? I've been considering a wide EP for a while.

But I also quite fancy the Hyperion Zoom for ease of use at higher magnifications.

Decisions, decisions...

The Panaview's are 2" eyepieces (sorry - I expect you know that !) but will work extremely well in F/10 scopes - the 38mm will give you just about the widest field of view you can get with a 2" eyepiece.

What I'm not sure about is whether the port at the rear of your C6 is big enough to avoid vignetting the field of view - perhaps someone who has tried one could chip in.


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The 38mm Panaview would do a fine job in the Celestron C6-S (40x mag, 3.8mm exit-pupil). You might see some vignetting but nothing serious.

James tested the Hyperion Zoom when it was launched and found it surprisingly good but quality did fall slightly at 24mm. But, that was with an f5 Newtonian, I doubt you would notice that in an f10 SCT.

The speed (f-ratio) of a telescope makes a significant difference to how well an eyepiece performs. Faster scopes (below f6) are more demanding, slow scopes (greater than f6) are less so. A fast f4 Newtonian needs top-quality eyepieces from the likes of Pentax or Televue if it is to perform at its best but a slow f10 SCT can produce very good results with less expensive eyepieces.


<edit> I see John was quicker off the mark :)

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Cheers guys. Thanks for the advice.

I had an off day, and ordered the Hyperion Zoom, bargain Celestron 2" diagonal and 2" 38mm Panaview from FLO.

I'm happy. :)

Mrs Jarndyce isn't. :cool:

She's none to pleased with Steve, either.... :)

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For an ED80, I would probably buy the 38mm 70-degree Skywatcher Panaview (16x mag, 5mm exit-pupil). If I had deeper pockets it'd be the new 40mm Skywatcher Aero ED (15x mag, 5.3mm exit-pupil). Better eyepieces do exist but you'd need to spend at least double and I would struggle to justify that for an f7.5 doublet.

Steve, I'm currently in the market for a widefield eyepiece for my f/7 4" refractor and was considering the UWAN28 which would give me 25x mag with a 4mm exit pupil. But from your advice above I'm now looking at the Skywatcher Aero 30 which would give me a 4.3mm exit pupil @ 24x. Would this seem a more sensible choice for my current scope?



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The Skywatcher Aero ED is very good indeed, I mean really good. We have sold a number to SGL members and feedback so far has been excellent. In your f7.4 refractor it'll be pretty-much picture-perfect. Considering the price difference between the Aero and William Optics UWAN I'd say the AERO wins comfortably. But, the UWAN does offer a similar performance with a wider field-of-view so if your budget will stretch that far you won't be disappointed.

If it helps, we have the eyepiece Jahmanson used for his 30mm Aero ED review available with 20% discount :cool:

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