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Pac-Man LRGB


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I thought this was deserving of its own post. Only collected about 1/2 of the data I had planned to collect. But I wanted to process if to see where I stood. Big mistake I always make. I worked very hard getting the data to look respectable. More data won’t magically make the image better. I’ll have to process it again, and it will still be hard. Maybe I’d make it better, maybe I won’t. I have found that once I process an image fully, it’s the processing more than the amount of data that really matters (within reason, of course).  The other thing is seeing was 4/5+ all week. If I add more data, it will have to be very good data, and it’s unlikely such conditions will persist. 

TOA 130 with .99x flattener and ASI 1600. About 12.5 hours of data (LRGB)


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10 hours ago, Rodd said:

A tough crowd

I can never work out whether the relative lack of comments on my posts is due to people being awed into silence by my skills or appalled at my incompetence.  With me, I suspect it is the latter.  With you, I am certain it is the former.

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11 hours ago, Rodd said:

A tough crowd

Chuckle. It is getting harder to get a written response on this forum unless an image is stupendously exceptional or you’re a beginner seeking help.

I like your image. Lots of lovely detail worth zooming in to take a closer look. What I really like about it is its natural look.  I am not greatly enamoured of Hubble palette images. Yes, they’re often striking visually but to my eye they’re just not right somehow.  


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5 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

The fine detail in there is fantastic, those little bok globs in the middle are so nicely defined. What is with the wide spikes coming off the bright stars? 

Thanks Craig. The good ole asi 1600. It can’t handle bright stars. 

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4 hours ago, AMcD said:

I can never work out whether the relative lack of comments on my posts is due to people being awed into silence by my skills or appalled at my incompetence.  With me, I suspect it is the latter.  With you, I am certain it is the former.

Thanks AMcd.  While that is very nice of you to say, I doubt it. But I appreciate the sentiment 

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3 hours ago, Ouroboros said:

Chuckle. It is getting harder to get a written response on this forum unless an image is stupendously exceptional or you’re a beginner seeking help.

I like your image. Lots of lovely detail worth zooming in to take a closer look. What I really like about it is its natural look.  I am not greatly enamoured of Hubble palette images. Yes, they’re often striking visually but to my eye they’re just not right somehow.  


Thanks O. I like Hubble palette images if they are well done. But I am getting tired of them. I always thought they were better fore detail and sharpness, but maybe that is more of a sky condition thing.  

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15 hours ago, Rodd said:

A tough crowd

to be fair you posted it at 1:15 am :)

your image is leagues above mine, and i quite liked mine. Not so much my hi-viz style palette choice. 

if nothing else, your beautiful image gives me something to at least aim to achieve myself, even if that's unlikely. 

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26 minutes ago, TiffsAndAstro said:

to be fair you posted it at 1:15 am :)

your image is leagues above mine, and i quite liked mine. Not so much my hi-viz style palette choice. 

if nothing else, your beautiful image gives me something to at least aim to achieve myself, even if that's unlikely. 

Yeah 1:15 am EST.  But this is predominantly a English/European forum, no?  Ahh, no matter.  I was a zombie when I posted-6 straight nights till dawn, so perhaps I was over-sensitive.  

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40 minutes ago, Rodd said:

Yeah 1:15 am EST.  But this is predominantly a English/European forum, no?  Ahh, no matter.  I was a zombie when I posted-6 straight nights till dawn, so perhaps I was over-sensitive.  

Doh I didn't see the est so sorry :(

6 nights in a row, lol, how awful ;)

Tonight and tomorrow are supposed to be clear which I don't think has ever happened before, where I am :)

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18 minutes ago, TiffsAndAstro said:

Tonight and tomorrow are supposed to be clear which I don't think has ever happened before, where I am

Well, I hope it turns out to be true.  There is nothing worse than having a clear forecast and watching clouds roll in at 10:00 (other than having a cloudy forecast so you decide to do something else and when you come out of the movies at 11:00, its crystal clear!).  Good luck with the sessions!

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7 minutes ago, Rodd said:

Well, I hope it turns out to be true.  There is nothing worse than having a clear forecast and watching clouds roll in at 10:00 (other than having a cloudy forecast so you decide to do something else and when you come out of the movies at 11:00, its crystal clear!).  Good luck with the sessions!

I am deliberately jinxing it, because, when I don't jinx it, it doesn't make any difference ;( 

I have a few hours to decide what to use 16 hours of imaging on :)

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