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C14 collimation help neede

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Hi giya! I'm not quite sure I'm posting this in the right section but anyways, here goes.

Like some of you already know I own a celestron c14. I'm just finishing up the complete rebuild now. I installed 3 fans a temp sensor at the primary mirror and one in the front + 2 vent holes on the front top of the tube. I also resentered the secondary mirror, so everything should be spot on now. Ibuse zwo asi 678mm with no barlow. I collimated last night when the temp was pretty good both at the primary mirror and in front of the scope and here is the results.

It was some jet strem though. But please let me know what you guys think and please give me.all the tips and tricks you got :)

















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Collimating looks ok, but seeing is poor and looks like you have some tube thermals. As Michael commented, the roof location is far from ideal and it would be interesting to see the difference between fans running and fans off.

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There is no way you can ascertain the accuracy of your collimation with such poor seeing/tube thermals etc. You should move the scope well away from the roof and indeed from the building. It took me 4 nights of trying before the seeing conditions were agreeable. This was after a good 3 hours of allowing the scope to acclimatise thermally. The scope in question was a 10" SCT.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys a thanks for good replies! Im acctually thinking about moving. Its to expensive to live here anyway.  Ant to you geoflewis i think the fans were running. Lie you told me i acctually feel i get better seeing with the fans running. And i turn the dew heater ring on and of as its needed both for dew and thermal reason.

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