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ASI120MC-S issue

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Just wondering if anyone has seen this, or knows how to fix it. I bought an ASI120MC-S second hand a while ago and this is really puzzling me. I put the camera with the wide angle lens in my focuser and took this image in sharpcap. I would have expected the image to be central on the image, however, it's obviously not. Thinking it may be my focuser out of square to the tube (even tho collimation looks good with both my howie glatter laser and catseye collimator). Just for comparison, i placed the camera on the floor directly under the lightbulb using a plumb bob to make sure it was directly under and got the same offset. There's no cross-threading on the lens. This is really bugging me. Anyone any idea what's going on here?



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I don't use SharpCap and can't test this myself so this is just a guess based on your screenshots...

The camera has a native resolution of 1280x960 (AFAIK) but it looks as though you have a subframe capture area set of 720x720, in which case the Pan and Tilt settings in SharpCap will offset the centre of the subframe selection away from the centre of the image sensor.

You need to set the capture area to the full frame sensor size of 1280x960 and then the image centre *should* be coincident with the mechanical centre of the camera.


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Oddsocks said:

I don't use SharpCap and can't test this myself so this is just a guess based on your screenshots...

The camera has a native resolution of 1280x960 (AFAIK) but it looks as though you have a subframe capture area set of 720x720, in which case the Pan and Tilt settings in SharpCap will offset the centre of the subframe selection away from the centre of the image sensor.

You need to set the capture area to the full frame sensor size of 1280x960 and then the image centre *should* be coincident with the mechanical centre of the camera.



same as this even at 100% zoom


Edited by Dave_D
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I have the same camera but never seen this problem. You could try a different capture software, e.g. the free ASIStudio from ZWO (     https://www.zwoastro.com/software/ ) and see if the problem happens with that as well. Alternatively you could try contacting ZWO to see what they say. I've found them to be reasonably helpful in the past.

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Hi Dave D, as John D said I would download and install the latest ZWO drivers and ASI studio. Then I would fit wide field lens that came with the camera, ensure the focus ring is not cross threaded “could offset the centre”. If this doesn’t give the correct image centre then it’s possible then sensor is mis-aligned. Is your camera  fitted with the IR window?


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