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Is this collimation good? Tak Epsilon 130D

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Posted this elsewhere, so apologies if you’re reading twice. 

I have just attempted collimation and a had a quick test under the stars on a Tak Epsilon 130. My collimation isn’t absolutely spot on according to the Tak manual. Most notably, the secondary ’blot’ isn’t completely centred in the crosshairs of the Tak collimation tools. However, the results aren’t as bad as I thought. I can see there is more of a vignette at the right hand side and the stars at the bottom right are not as good as the other corners.  The image is a single 30s uncalibrated exposure on an ASI2600MC. 

Can anyone say if this is likely related to the collimation or could it be related to tilt somewhere? Curious to hear from anyone imaging from these fast hyperbolic newtonians. What do you think overall. Should I be happy or looking to optimise further?




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Hi @Icesheet - mine isn't perfect but I think you should try and get that secondary blot more centralised, then get everything in line again.  Also, to my eye the central black disc is just a little to the top left, with a wider white annulus to the lower right.. slightly.  

I agree with your assessment of the field though.  Nothing there BlurX wouldn't tidy up easily.

Probably worth giving it a go as is if you don't want to fiddle any more for now.  See how an integrated stack looks and processes.

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Yeah, I think I’ll try get a decent integration and see how things work out. As you say, with BXT etc it may be a case of don’t fix what isn’t too broken!

Just out of curiosity, how long has your collimation held?

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This is going to happen more and more now, just buy a cheap £500 scope and use BlurX….😂

I think you should always aim to get the best possible collimation, and tilt adjusted out, at the end of the day you have paid a lot for the scope, so why be happy with it working about as well as as one that would have been 1/4 of the price…in my eyes you will have wasted a lot of money….


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Posted (edited)

I’m afraid that software like BXT is a leveller and will close the gap between scopes with lesser optical quality. I certainly don’t grudge anyone that goes that route. 

Why don’t I spend more time now? A few reasons. It’s the end of the season here and I plan to put a full frame camera on it sometime later this year or early next year. No point going to all that trouble now only to do it all again. Especially if BXT covers up some slight tilt. Seen too many stories of people driving themselves crazy and spending even more trying to dial out that last bit of tilt. Although I bought it for better optics, the main reason was the speed and full frame coverage. I couldn’t get that at £500. Also got it at a very good price, not £500 though 😆

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1 hour ago, Icesheet said:

it may be a case of don’t fix what isn’t too broken!

The better quality the data that goes in, the better result out but there is a limit (our own limit!) with limited clear sky time.  I try and get it the best I can with no glaring issues. 

1 hour ago, Icesheet said:

Just out of curiosity, how long has your collimation held?

I collimated in Sep/Oct last year and haven't touched it since.  While my imaging rig (scope+camera etc) stays together, I do have to setup and tear down onto the mount each time I image.

Hope you get a chance before we're into summer - look forward to seeing your results.

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