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Doubles 30/03/24 - Gem/Can border

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All observations here with the FC100. Seeing was excellent but with my usual heavy light pollution. The 100mm was limited to just below mag 10. All PAs are guesses (hopefully remembering to reverse L+R)

I had intended a longer session but I wasted hours trying to collimate the 8" f4...

S560 - very wide uneven pair at 10°, x44

Σ1177 - uneven pair, 30°, x185

Σ1186 - a very faint speck at 220°, x247

Σ1224 - uneven, split at x44 but looked great at x247. 

Φ2 Can - a lovely, bright even pair. Split at x44 but awesome at x247.

Tegmine - decided to draw this one. I put the old 120mm achro on to get a proper split of A and B; C was easy and not shown here.


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@Mr Spock  Have you managed to split a double star system where one star is orange/yellow and the other blue? I'd love to manage that at some point, in my minds eye I could imagine it to look beautiful. I've never actually tried my hand at star splitting but really want to. Do you think my 200/1000 newt would manage it?

Thanks, Wes.

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46 minutes ago, wesdon1 said:

Do you think my 200/1000 newt would manage it?

You can split sub 1" doubles with that, plus colours will come out nicely. Even with small scopes Albireo and Almach are spectacular.

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9 hours ago, wesdon1 said:

@Mr Spock  Have you managed to split a double star system where one star is orange/yellow and the other blue? I'd love to manage that at some point, in my minds eye I could imagine it to look beautiful. I've never actually tried my hand at star splitting but really want to. Do you think my 200/1000 newt would manage it?

Thanks, Wes.

 Izar in Bootes is a lovely orange/red with a chalk blue secondary, or that's how it appeared to me, but Albireo in Cygnus was once described to me as a Gold primary with a Turquoise secondary, and that romantic description of colours kind of stuck with me. Whatever the actual colours, it is a fabulous contrasting double.

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For some of the other common catalogues:

β = BU
h = HJ
Hxxx all follow the same format, so H VI = H 6, H III = H 3

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Yes I know Struve , Otto Struve I know what BU is but cannot think of it at this moment, STFA is Friedrich I think. HJ is John Herschel, WDS is Washington and I think BDS is Burnham's if I am not mistaken.

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