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AstroLandscapes #63 - no regrets

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A couple of weeks ago we had a forecast for clearing skies from around 1am, with the moon setting at 2am.  That left around 2 hours for some dark-sky goodness and hopefully my first Milky Way core action of 2024.  The only challenge was that it was a Sunday night, ahead of a busy week at work.  But I set the alarm for 1.15am anyway, and dragged myself out of bed only to see broken cloud in front of the moon.  20 minutes of should I / shouldn't I later, and I headed down to our local nature reserve, not entirely sure if I'd made the right choice but knowing that I would torture myself if I stayed at home wondering what might have been.

I only had a few compositions in mind after visiting earlier that day - nothing dramatic or epic, but some simple Fenland scenes of wood piles, dead trees and still pools.  As the morning drew on, the cloud shifted and I was treated to the rising Milky Way and a sky full of stars.  I was so glad I made myself go out, with the ultimate reward of watching the dawn surrounded by the wonderful sounds of the local birdlife.

Aside from the images below, I made a video of the night over on my Nightscape Journals YouTube channel - linked at the end if you're interested.

Thoughts and comments always welcome and hugely appreciated!

Cut Down


📷 Canon 6D with Sigma Art 24mm f/1.4 lens
🔧 1x 10s exposure at f/2 and ISO2000
🎞️ Edited in Photoshop


Teasel Core


📷 Canon 6D (astro-modified) with Samyang 35mm f/1.4 lens with SkyWatcher StarAdventurer tracker
🔧 Sky: 41x 30s exposure at f/2.8 and ISO800 (+ dark frames). Foreground: 1x10s at f/4 and ISO1250
🎞️ Stacked in Sequator. Edited and assembled in Photoshop and Starnet++


Scorpius Aquae


📷 Canon 6D with Sigma Art 24mm f/1.4 lens 
🔧 Sky: 24x 15s exposure at f/2.8 and ISO2000. 
🎞️ Stacked in Sequator. Edited in Photoshop 




📷 Canon 6D with Sigma Art 24mm f/1.4 lens 
🔧 Sky: 74x 13s exposure at f/1.8 and ISO1600. Foreground: 1x13s at f/1.8 and ISO1600
🎞️ Stacked in Sequator. Edited and assembled in Photoshop and Starnet++



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I too enjoyed your video Paul. I admire your dedication and to be rewarded with your beautiful images and that amazing Dawn chorus sunrise with a hot drink. What makes it all the more special. 

Take care and clear skies. 


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4 hours ago, clarkpm4242 said:

Really enjoyed your video @FenlandPaul

I prefer the 'Teasel Core' image.  You can get detail in  Rho Ophiuchi!

Cheers,  Paul.


4 hours ago, AstroNebulee said:

I too enjoyed your video Paul. I admire your dedication and to be rewarded with your beautiful images and that amazing Dawn chorus sunrise with a hot drink. What makes it all the more special. 

Take care and clear skies. 



2 hours ago, Carbon Brush said:

@AstroNebulee I couldn't have said it better!

Thanks all - really appreciate that. 

@clarkpm4242 yep I love the detail in Rho. Never quite gets high enough for my liking though!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great video and lovely images Paul.

I love the peace and tranquillity of the night when there is no wind and you only hear the sounds of Nature. So peaceful and serene it is a tonic to the soul. Sometimes Dawn comes too soon!

I especially like the lake with reflections of the trees and stars. The cool blues and pale yellow horizon also makes the shot stand out.

Hats off to you for getting out there when you have work next day. I struggle to do this admittedly and need a good forecast to venture forth. I had opportunity for early MW core a few days ago but had just returned from Tenerife having already got a great shot of it so I stayed in bed!! 😂

Keep up the excellent work and am looking forward to your next adventure and astrophotography.


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11 hours ago, Gerr said:

Great video and lovely images Paul.

I love the peace and tranquillity of the night when there is no wind and you only hear the sounds of Nature. So peaceful and serene it is a tonic to the soul. Sometimes Dawn comes too soon!

I especially like the lake with reflections of the trees and stars. The cool blues and pale yellow horizon also makes the shot stand out.

Hats off to you for getting out there when you have work next day. I struggle to do this admittedly and need a good forecast to venture forth. I had opportunity for early MW core a few days ago but had just returned from Tenerife having already got a great shot of it so I stayed in bed!! 😂

Keep up the excellent work and am looking forward to your next adventure and astrophotography.


Thanks Geraint - appreciated. It’s hard - I think we’re all wracked with a completely self-induced (and unnecessary!) guilt when it’s clear and we don’t get out. Important to remember it’s meant to be a pleasure!!

I enjoyed your printing video - learned some very useful tips to help with my home printing (which hitherto has been very hit and miss!).

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