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Finally here..... telescope and clouds!!!!

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Well my shiny new telescope arrived at the weekend, spent a bit of time assembling etc , getting to know what was what and where etc

Picture of set-up to follow.;)

Sure enough as predicted by many on the forum , the clouds have rolled in and my new piece of kit hasn't left my spare room yet!!.:icon_rolleyes:

So the life of an amateur astronomer starts.... and abruptly stops!!!. Still have plenty of reading material to keep me busy and of course Stellarium on the PC to keep me occupied.

Praying for clear skies!!!

Speak soon.


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Every box has a Hubble in it if you believe some of the artwork on the packaging.

TBH I think most of the packaging especially on the budget scopes leaves a lot to be desired if not downright misleading.:icon_rolleyes:

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Well you've now doomed any astronomers within 100miles of you to 2 weeks a complete cloud cover :icon_rolleyes:

I think I've got your 2 weeks complete cloud cover. Please come and collect it.

How much extra would it cost to have the Chinese pack their clouds into boxes & ship them somewhere they might be appreciated (Saudi Arabia for instance) instead of simply stuffing them into boxes of optical equipment for export?

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Wierd thing is, I picked up my scope at the weekend and fully expected (as is the norm) for every evening to be cloudy. However, I decided to strip down the scope to it's component parts and upgrade it in many ways

Result ?

Clear skies in Cheltenham from that day on (no matter how cloudy in the daytime). Seriously...someone has to be watching us !

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