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Mars and the Moon

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Hi all

Long time no hear, been very very busy of late, hardly if at all touched my scope for months now. Anyway, question for confirmation please

I have been informed that Mars will be the closest it has been to Earth in 5,000 years in August, apparently best seen on the 27th August when it will appear as close as the moon and roughly look the same size :) and it will not be seen like this for another 65,000 years ;) as that is how often it happens

If this is true if it last appeared 5,000 years ago - How do they now?

If it isn't going to show for another 65,000 years - How do they now?

If this is true why was it last seen 5,000 years ago and not 65,000 years as suggested the frequency it happens :)

Personally, I am very very confused and extremely sceptical about this

Any ideas

Spaceman Spiff


Last time I used my time machine to visit planet Zogg, I didn't see it :icon_rolleyes:

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Yes, this is as old as the hills I'm afraid. Mars was at its closest on August 27th 2005, and it was 25 arc seconds in size, whereas the moon is 30 arc minutes - over sixty times bigger. Mars is back this winter, but the opposition is in Jan/Feb IIRC and it only reaches 14 arc seconds.

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I think it's even older than that, but that text keeps reappearing, with the unfortunate line break that makes it say that Mars will appear as large as the Moon, cocealing the words "when seen through a modest, 60x telescope. I have to explain that to friends about twice a year. :icon_rolleyes:

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I cannot understand what the hoaxers (NOT you Pete - I mean the originators of this stuff) stand to gain with this rubbish. Oh OK, I suppose it's getting these nonentities noticed, getting their names on a few forwarded E-mails, that sort of thing: suppose it means something to some folks.

Interestingly, has anything been posted recently about ability to resolve planets with the naked eye? Mars reaches a maximum of 25" which is well below normal human eye resolution (about 1'). Jupiter gets up to about 50", and Venus up to 66". All rather tall orders!

I seem to recall, many years ago, Sky@Night ran a project, during an especially favourable Venus appearance, asking viewers to attempt to resolve the crescent without aid. Several people apparently succeeded and sent in sketches to support their claims.

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Yes, this is as old as the hills I'm afraid. Mars was at its closest on August 27th 2005, and it was 25 arc seconds in size, whereas the moon is 30 arc minutes - over sixty times bigger. Mars is back this winter, but the opposition is in Jan/Feb IIRC and it only reaches 14 arc seconds.

Apologies, that should of course have read August 27th 2003. :icon_rolleyes:

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Appear as close as the moon, without a scope? Imagine the effects the gravity from Mars would have!! There's a bad movie waiting to happen there ;-)

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