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A few doubles from Feb/Mar.

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I have only managed a few observing sessions this year. I have also been enjoying looking at fainter things thanks to my darker skies. I have not stopped observing doubles and here are a few from Gemini and Hydra.

I was using my 8" Newt and magnification between x50 - x200

Gemini STF1035 w/w A neat pair of creamy white stars. Can be split at x50.

Gemini STF1047AB,C w/b A wide pair with a noticeable difference in magnitude. The primary is white, the secondary pale blue. Shares low power firld with 51Gem.

Gemini STF1068AB w/w A close pair with a moderate difference in magnitude. Both stars appear white.

Gemini STF1070AB w/w A tight pair with a moderate difference in magnitude, with both stars appearing white.

Hydra STF1243 w/b A close pair. A white primary and a pale blue secondary. A moderate difference in magnitude. Hint of a split at x150. Better view at x200.

Hydra STF1260 w/w A Close pair of white stars with asmall difference in magnitude. Just split at x50. Best view at x75. Shares low power field with A (6) Hydrae An orange giant star.

Hydra STF1261 y/b A wide pair of uneven magnitude. The primary is yellow, the secondary is pale blue. Shares the field with STF1260.

Hydra STF1264 w/w a close pair of even magnitude. Both stars appear blue-white. A triangle of stars to the South.

Hydra H 6 107 w/w A wide pair South of STF1264. The pair are of uneven magnitude. A third star (HD74123) lies some distance away. Making the triangular asterism.

Hydra STF1270 y/b A fairly close pair with a moderate difference in magnitude. The primary is yellow, the secondary is blue-white. Best view at x60.

Hydra STF1281AB w/w A wide pair of uneven magnitude. Both stars appear white although the primary has a warmer tint. Faint chain of stars to the East.

Hydra STF1290 y/b A close pair of uneven magnitude. The primary Is yellow, the secondary is a small blue dot. Just spit at x150.

Hydra STF1292 w/w A neat pair of white stars with a small difference in magnitude. Part of a right-angled triangle asterism.

Hydra STF1295 w/w a fairly close pair of white stars with a small difference in magnitude. There are a few bright stars in the field.

Hydra STF1308 o/b A neat pair with a small difference in magnitude. The primary is orange, with a blue-grey secondary.

Hydra STF1309 w/w A neat pair of off-white stars. Evenly matched, a lovely sight.

Hydra STF1316AB y/w A neat triple with a yellow primary and 2 companions either side. TOK63 The Aa,Ab pair not split.

Hydra STF1316AC y/w A neat triple with a yellow primary and 2 companions either side. The BC pair are split by 14.2”.



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A few more from the 15th.  Had a look at some galaxies after these. 😀
Hydra STF1329AB A neat pair of yellow stars. Evenly matched. 2 bright stars in the field. 200mm scope x50 magnification.
Hydra STF1336  A wide pair of very uneven magnitude. The primary is white, the secondary could be glimpsed with averted vision. Increasing the magnification helped. 200mm scope x50 magnification  09 18 00 33 co-ordinates
Hydra STF1343 y/y A neat pair of evenly matched yellow-orange stars A wide pair shares the filed to the North. 200mm scope x50 magnification 09 20 05 00 co-ordinates
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