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Crescent Moon


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My first go at astrophotography. After looking at the images on here I'm almost embarrassed to post this.

Nikon D7200 with 200-500mm lens on tripod. 2 minute video processed with PIPP, AutoStakkert, Registax and Lightroom.

Any advice/criticism gratefully received.






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13 hours ago, GraemeC said:

Wow, that’s quite something! How does the processed image compare with your best single frame (my usual approach)?

I'm not sure how to separate individual images from the video 

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You certainly shouldn't be embarrassed, that's a great picture. You have processed it well with a smooth range of tones and no highlight blowout and avoided the trap of going bananas with oversharpening. 

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Advice- don't be overly critical of yourself.

A nice image indeed.

Now you have dipped ypur toe into astrophotography- nurture a good relationship with your bank manager.

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