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Skywatcher skymax 127 az go2 mount help

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Hi all

Received my scope today and I'm a little disappointed,  using the synscan app I'm not able to move the scope left or right, it only goes up and down? Am I doing something wrong? Also on the app only 5 planets come up, no moon ?


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Hiya, thanks for the help, I thought this also but I'm staring right at the moon? Yes it's cloudy but I can see it?? Any ideas why the az go2 mount won't turn left or right? Seems a little over the top for something that will only go up and down and you manually point it in the direction of something?


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Have you done the switch off. Level and tube horizontal with open end pointing north and I think it probably wants the tube to be left mounted on the mount check the manual then switch on a start again

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Although I haven't used that mount I would extract left or right and up down but check your rate speed as it's hard to see low numbers. Can you hear it wanting to move? I'd contact the reseller 

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No there's no sound ... I don't think this mount is designed to go left and right? Really daft if you ask me, I'll have to return it if that's the case... I can't find any information or videos on YouTube showing this model and it in operation 


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Try and do an indoors alignment on two or even the brightest star looking at Stellarium or Sky safari for their rough position in the sky. If it still doesn't move in azimuth (left/right) then return it.

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I've even tried the manual controls on the app, again up and down work..the others nothing.  Does anyone else have this mount that can shed some light on it? I have a feeling it's not supposed to move other than up and down.  It really does seem absolutely pointless as a go2

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According to the blurb the mount is full go-to so should be able to slew left/right and up/down both manually, and automatically once star aligned. Unfortunately it sounds like it could be faulty 

Edited by PhilB61
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8 minutes ago, Monzilla said:

Oh no... just my luck ☹️ I bought it from flo...what's there returning experience like? 

They're excellent by all accounts and actually sponsor this forum.  Good luck!

Edited by GrumpiusMaximus
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I borrowed the image from FLO

When you're using your telescope the tube OTA needs to be on the left side of the mount, level and the open end facing North. Once connected are you still not able to see it move with the up and down arrows.



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Thanks for the help :)


I've been in touch with Alex from flo and they say it could be that the batteries been rechargeable might not be enough power for the unit.


if that's the case I no longer want it as I can't afford to keep buying non rechargeable batteries or spend anymore on a 12v power supply at the moment just to see if it is that reason. 


Thanks again for all your help everyone,  really nice to be here and have all the help on hand 

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Rechargeable batteries are only 1.2v each and normal batteries are 1.5v so that's where your issue is as Alex says. 

Talentcell battery packs are relatively cheap the one I have is £51 and powers my AzGti faultlessly and gas done for many years and last very well. Worth considering as you've a great scope and mount. 


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If you are ever passing Oxford then I have a mains 12v power source that you could have for free. I reckon it's the rechargeable batteries at fault. Fully charged they will only supply 9.8v. Also being WiFi it will also have to power that. It's a shame returning a good scope just for the fact that it requires 12v not 9.8v.

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1 hour ago, Monzilla said:

Thanks for the help :)

I've been in touch with Alex from flo and they say it could be that the batteries been rechargeable might not be enough power for the unit.

if that's the case I no longer want it as I can't afford to keep buying non rechargeable batteries or spend anymore on a 12v power supply at the moment just to see if it is that reason. 

It would be worth trying a set of Alkaline cells just the once, to confirm that it's not the motor before deciding one way or the other. A short test won't drain them much, and at least you'll know. 

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