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First Light - Takahashi FC-100

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It might have arrived at the end of October, but thanks to way too much work, birthdays and Christmas and rubbish weather, first light (not counting the 5 min check on Saturn sitting 40ft up on the roof of my house to mark sure all was well with the scope) for the Tak FC-100 only happened last night at the Baker Street Irregular Astronomers Star party in Regents Park. As forecast, cloudless skies arrived by 9pm but so did a bitter breeze and ice was forming on the pavement by the time we ended.

Super impressed with what the scope delivered. Multiple bands on Jupiter and the GRS along with obvious differences in size and brightness of the four moons. Though seeing wasn’t great with anything above 150x being a fools errand today. Though I know this scope will do far more based on that 5 min peek at Saturn when it first arrived.

Jet black shadows and icy whites on the moon with some wonderful detail along the terminator.

It might be Bortle 9, but that never stops me chasing down DSOs to show off. M42, M44, M45 we’re highlights to the south, but I also hunted down several OCs in Cassiopeia including NGC 457 (E.T Cluster) and most attendees were able to see the little stick figure.

A few more experienced astronomers noted that star colours really came through with this scope when they were taking peeks and I agree.

Couldn’t resist a quick peak at the Double Cluster and I finished the evening with my favourite colour contrasted double star, Almach in Andromeda.

Well not quite finished. With lights now off the Hub, the skies seemed just a bit darker and one first time attendee asked to see anything interesting so I spun the scope back round to M42. Using the 10mm Delos for 74x, the trapezium was nestled in warm robes of nebulosity which ha remarkable extension considering sky brightness. Transparency has clearly improved from earlier in the night.

Very pleased with the performance and mounted on a Series 4 Gitzo carbon fibre tripod and Tele Optic Giro Mini, the whole setup weighed about 6kg and I could lift the whole thing with one hand. Made travelling across London far easier which was a primary motivation to buy the scope.


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That sounds like a promising first night exploring with your FC100DC Matthew. I really have an on going love affair with these scopes that probably borders on unhealthy, but as a consequence I've been privilaged to see so many amazing things. I also know that many others feel similarly, and am pretty sure you'll soon be among them too. I'm definitely looking forward to hearing more about your adventures. :icon_cyclops_ani:

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Excellent addition to the stable Matthew. It’s the total package, performance and light weight, hard to beat. Airline portable too, so you could take it on your travels 👍👍

Oh, and you need to stick a Feathertouch on it too 🤣

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