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The Christmas Tree Cluster

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Hi Everyone.

Despite a 'clear all night' forecast high clouds stopped me from achieving a complete session on NGC2264.

I had hoped for 20 x 300s of H, S and O but in the end had to settle for Ha:13x300 OIII:16x300 SII:10x300 after sifting out the dodgy/spoilt subs.

[The new APP normalised graphs are a real double edged sword - they highlight the 'good' and the 'bad' in graphic form!]

Imaged using my new StellaMira 90ED with dedicated adjustable flattener giving the native focal length of 540 mm; combined with ASI1600MM and Antlia 3 nm narrow band filters.

Pre-processed in APP and post-processed in PI.


As a related aside the adjustable flattener from @FLO is a great bit of kit and makes you wonder why it is not available for all scopes; it complements the 90ED perfectly and makes achieving perfect backfocus a breeze.

I am really impressed with the 90ED - it is well made, well finished and exudes quality - hats off to @FLO for making this scope available to us AP'ers and for a great Black Friday and 'year end' price deal. 

Thanks for looking.


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5 hours ago, Adreneline said:

I am really impressed with the 90ED - it is well made, well finished and exudes quality - hats off to @FLO for making this scope available to us AP'ers and for a great Black Friday and 'year end' price deal. 

Thank you for sharing your image and your enthusiasm 🤗

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