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Imaging with Canon eos 2000D


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Hey, im new to astrophotography, for the photos shown did you guys just take a photo of the sky or is there some sort of software needed in order to get as detailed images like that with a canon 2000d? im going to iceland soon and want to get as many photos as i can as theres such little light pollution

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Start here. Then I suggest this one for the processing:


NebulaPhotos with Nico Carver and also AstroBackyard with Trevor Jones. Very good tutorials for the beginners.

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Your question is very non specific so can be interpreted in a number of ways.

What will your focal length be (what lenses are you going to use) as that will dictate whether you're imaging wide field (more sky) or more deep sky (targets centred, usually needs over 100mm lens or so).

For widefield you can take singular images normally up to 30s without star trailing if you're super wide like 14mm or so, and can simple adjust brightness, contrast, levels to get a result from a single image. The more detailed images of the sky are composed of multiple long exposure images, then stacked in computer software (Deep Sky Stacker, Siril, Pixinsight latter is paid for software) then post processed in something like Lightroom, Photoshop or GIMP among others. For very wide images you do this process multiple times then stitch the results together to make a very wide panorama.

Depending on the focal length of lens you use, it's very likely you'll need a star tracker to counteract the earth's rotation so you don't get star trailing.

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