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M81 and surroundings + globular hunting - reprocessing old data


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Been cloudy for a few weeks now, so gave old data another go for practice. 32-ish hours with an 8'' newtonian, TeleVue Paracorr and a RisingCam IMX571 OSC camera:


Made the same mistake (debatable perhaps) as the last times, which is pushing the IFN too far, just cant help myself it seems. If its in the image i fight tooth and nail to get it out when perhaps it should not be so promiment but oh well this is what i conjured up this time. Of the 32 hours around 8 are with the Antlia Triband filter, which i also stacked as a separate image and then overlayed as an extra layer with Photoshops lighten blend mode to boost some of the Ha regions a bit more, so a composite of 2 images in a sense.

Then to the main course and why i reprocessed this at all: Globular clusters around M81 annotated with TypeCat and PixInsight, upscaled a fair bit to see the small globulars better.


TypeCat found 113 globulars in the image, but i erased some of them especially around the core where they were not easy to see or visible at all, also the image is just a wall of text with all of them. Still an almost unbelievable number of objects that look like just another faint star, but are in reality globulars over 11 million light years away!

Thanks for looking, and give TypeCat a try to see how many of these distant globulars are hiding in galaxies nearby!


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