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The Witch Head (a Work in progress)


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Went to our little campsite in East Sussex this weekend as an impromptu session.  I had planned 2 targets one for the first few hours and one later once it had risen, as my main aim was to image the Witch Head since I live in Bortle 8.  It was one of those nights where so many things went wrong, and things that have never happened before.  Consequently I never got the first target at all, I ended up having my dinner at 11.30pm having given up on the first target, and whilst waiting for Orion to rise.  Then things continued to go wrong, so I never managed to get going until about 2,.30 am.  So this is less data than I had hoped.

My long term plan is to get Ha and some more RGB which I think I can do from home (either side of a miscreant tree next door!!), and if I get a chance get some more luminance at some point.

So this is stage 1.  Rigel is rather overbearing, but I did my best to reduce it as much as I could.  

Lum 10 x 600
RGB 10 x 600 each
total 3 hours 20m

Samyang lens 135mm @ F2.8
Atik460EX on HEQ5


Edited by carastro
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On 18/10/2023 at 18:28, Clarkey said:

You have got further than I did. I did 2 nights last winter from my bortle 6 garden and ended up binning all the data. It was just too noisy to be any use. Not sure you'll get much from SE London!

Was only hoping to get Ha from home but will have to go to darker skies for any more lum.  

Edited by carastro
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