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Building a Plossl eyepiece


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Just finished building an eyepiece and I was surprised it worked, and it worked rather good as a matter of fact. It was a quick test using a refactor with a 1 1/4 focuser, handhelding that eyepiece. So I could not see the entire FOV.

From what I've read the acromats should be placed as near as possible, front lenses pointing to each other, so I did.

I made a holder in which I could change the spacing between the two. Observed a large post at about 300m distance : in both occasions, lenses very near and also at about 60mm apart the result is just the same.

How is that possible...?

Lenses 50mm diameter(was a binocular) F=180mm



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Probably because greater separation just means losing more edge rays (I think they're diverging between groups), unless a wider eye lens group is used to capture them, and so a narrower apparent field of view results.  Give it a try to see if the AFOV narrows with increasing separation.

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I've made several Plossl type eyepieces in the past.  I found that minimum separation provided by a spacer wide enough to prevent the inner convex surfaces from touching gives the best performance.  The resultant focal length is roughly half the focus of a single achromat.  The images are nice and bright with little distortion and good colour correction.  Downsides are medium APOV and excessive eye relief.     🙂

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