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Two Hi Rez Mosaics - Sept 30 and October 1st ** new colour version added


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The weather gods have been amenable lately.   Managed two sessions in a row this weekend.   Here are Friday morning's 98% and Saturday morning's 94% moons.    I used my 140/7 refractor for both.   Friday's was shot with a colour cam with MUCH frustration.   I have put my colour attempts on the back burner again till I sort out the latest issues.  Colour terrible,  but details pretty good.   For Saturday I went back to my tried and true mono shooting adding my usual light colour tint to end result.


First up,  Friday's 98% at F17,  QHY5iii485C camera.   16 panels.   Best 500 of 1500 frames each panel.   44 Megapixels.




Version 2 below...  added Oct 05,  2023



Next ,  Oct 1st's 94 %.   140/7 refractor at F11,   183mm camera,  520nm Narrowband filter,  9 panels,  best 300 of 3000 each panel.   Light colour tint added in processing.  49 Megapixels.





Clear skies!!




Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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These are both really nice! Your frac makes some really sharp lunar shots for sure.

Regarding RGB, where do you think the issue is with your setup? Processing is really finnicky and its easy to get an overpowering single hue that makes it difficult to differentiate between the delicate colours.

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Beautiful shots Mike. For me the colour capture just has more zing to it, more ‘life’ if that makes sense?? The mono just looks a bit grey and dull in comparison (still a grey image though!) Zooming in to the e details and there not much between them really, the mono might look a bit more detailed due to the illumination but I think it’s actually neck and neck. 

I also have the 485c sensor and I like it a lot though not quite as fast in terms of FPS as the 462c I used to have.  Need to try it on the moon once I’ve got my new mirrors in the 12”.



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3 hours ago, ONIKKINEN said:

These are both really nice! Your frac makes some really sharp lunar shots for sure.

Regarding RGB, where do you think the issue is with your setup? Processing is really finnicky and its easy to get an overpowering single hue that makes it difficult to differentiate between the delicate colours.



Thanks much for your comment Onikkinen!    My APM 140 never disappoints...  best scope purchase I have ever made.   As a doublet, its surprisingly easy on the back for handling given its size,  and the views are fabulous to my eyes.     I expect I will have it until I can't lift it anymore.    

And yes....  Lunar colour capture from a One shot is EXTREMELY finicky.    Especially for those like me who don't have much in the way of photoshop type skillz.   I get good colour on Jupiter...  no problem.    Reason being,  there is already lots of colour present you can actually see IN capture.   For me though...  balancing the colour channels on the moon is so far impossible.     When I DO balance the Histograms in CAPTURE,  the end result is overwhelmingly purple so obviously ANYTHING BUT balanced.   This can't be seen until opening the captured file.    For the above shot,   I tried just using the same colour channel settings in Firecapture as I did for my successful Jupiter shots.   It was better  -  as in NOT overwhelming purple,  but instead a less strong but definite RED hue.   Unfortunately,  this hue turned out to be almost as difficult to deal with - though as you can see,  I got a useable image - if not great colour.

I think it is something to do with my Firecapture settings,  but I can't see what and I am DONE with it.  lol     Next thing I am going to do is learn Sharpcap Pro that I just bought.    Perhaps I will have better luck with that.   Once I FINALLY get a  more balanced stack.... then I can move on to learning how to get the most out of a decent colour capture.




Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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26 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

Beautiful shots Mike. For me the colour capture just has more zing to it, more ‘life’ if that makes sense?? The mono just looks a bit grey and dull in comparison (still a grey image though!) Zooming in to the e details and there not much between them really, the mono might look a bit more detailed due to the illumination but I think it’s actually neck and neck. 

I also have the 485c sensor and I like it a lot though not quite as fast in terms of FPS as the 462c I used to have.  Need to try it on the moon once I’ve got my new mirrors in the 12”.



Thanks much Craig!   I like the colour one better as well actually - even though the colour itself is not great.  haha   Also,   to my eyes the colour shot actually has more detail in some areas in spite of its less contrast.   This is also what I thought in capture.   The seeing was just better  -  It was easier to get focus on Friday  in spite of having less contrast to work with.

Cool you have the same cam!   You are the only other person I know with one.   I really like it in spite of my issues with it on the moon.  (not the cameras fault).    Its not speedy no....  but a steady 44fps at 9MP is not bad.    I really look forward to seeing your lunar work with it!




Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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5 hours ago, WestCoastCannuck said:



Thanks much for your comment Onikkinen!    My APM 140 never disappoints...  best scope purchase I have ever made.   As a doublet, its surprisingly easy on the back for handling given its size,  and the views are fabulous to my eyes.     I expect I will have it until I can't lift it anymore.    

And yes....  Lunar colour capture from a One shot is EXTREMELY finicky.    Especially for those like me who don't have much in the way of photoshop type skillz.   I get good colour on Jupiter...  no problem.    Reason being,  there is already lots of colour present you can actually see IN capture.   For me though...  balancing the colour channels on the moon is so far impossible.     When I DO balance the Histograms in CAPTURE,  the end result is overwhelmingly purple so obviously ANYTHING BUT balanced.   This can't be seen until opening the captured file.    For the above shot,   I tried just using the same colour channel settings in Firecapture as I did for my successful Jupiter shots.   It was better  -  as in NOT overwhelming purple,  but instead a less strong but definite RED hue.   Unfortunately,  this hue turned out to be almost as difficult to deal with - though as you can see,  I got a useable image - if not great colour.

I think it is something to do with my Firecapture settings,  but I can't see what and I am DONE with it.  lol     Next thing I am going to do is learn Sharpcap Pro that I just bought.    Perhaps I will have better luck with that.   Once I FINALLY get a  more balanced stack.... then I can move on to learning how to get the most out of a decent colour capture.





Give the RGB balance tool in Registax 6 a try?

I use it to start the color balance routine, and dont use any in-camera or capture software RGB balancing. It doesn't quite do a perfect job, but its close enough that saturation can be boosted without any single hue taking over the image completely. Once i have increased saturation (something like +20 saturation 5-10 times in photoshop) to a point where the colours can easily be seen its then not too difficult to manually adjust the channels to appear neutral.

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43 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:


Give the RGB balance tool in Registax 6 a try?

I use it to start the color balance routine, and dont use any in-camera or capture software RGB balancing. It doesn't quite do a perfect job, but its close enough that saturation can be boosted without any single hue taking over the image completely. Once i have increased saturation (something like +20 saturation 5-10 times in photoshop) to a point where the colours can easily be seen its then not too difficult to manually adjust the channels to appear neutral.

I will!  Thanks!  I have not used Registax since I first started out imaging about 6 years ago  (I didn't like it)  ...  will have to download it again.  But I will give it a go the next time I image.  (Set all to default,  deal with it in Registax)....   I can do this to a stacked file in Registax?   Or must it be the video?

22 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Amazing mosaics!

Thanks much Sunshine!!  :)))))



Very best regards



Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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10 hours ago, WestCoastCannuck said:

I will!  Thanks!  I have not used Registax since I first started out imaging about 6 years ago  (I didn't like it)  ...  will have to download it again.  But I will give it a go the next time I image.  (Set all to default,  deal with it in Registax)....   I can do this to a stacked file in Registax?   Or must it be the video?

I dont really like Registax either, its really showing its age in today's world with loads of better alternatives. No need to do anything to the video in there, just the stacked file from AS!3, or if working with a mosaic i will stitch the panels together first before RGB balancing. The only thing i do there is the RGB balance tool with the auto-balance setting, then click do all and save image to work with it more in Photoshop.

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52 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

I dont really like Registax either, its really showing its age in today's world with loads of better alternatives. No need to do anything to the video in there, just the stacked file from AS!3, or if working with a mosaic i will stitch the panels together first before RGB balancing. The only thing i do there is the RGB balance tool with the auto-balance setting, then click do all and save image to work with it more in Photoshop.

Thanks again!  I look forward to giving it a try!  🙂

Best regards,



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  • WestCoastCannuck changed the title to Two Hi Rez Mosaics - Sept 30 and October 1st ** new colour version added

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