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Yet Another Saturn!

Paul G. Abel

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Greetings everyone!

I hope like me, you're all having a good run of clear nights. On Monday we had here in Leicester almost perfect seeing combined with some slight haze which always brings out the best in planetary observing. Anyhow that night, Saturn looked particularly lovely and the NEB was a stunning blue colour- I've never seen it so distinctive before, honestly, I was almost moved to tears! Here's a drawing I made of it.

All best wishes,



Made with my 8 inch Skywatcher reflector- although I used mostly a power of 312x, I did also creep up to 400x at the end to get those really fine details! Titan can be seen on the left, Tethys is on the right.

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Wow, Paul, your sketch is amazing. Truly beautiful. I have been meaning to get into this myself recently, it's amazing how much more detail the eye picks up when you start to look at critically from an artists' point of view. Congratulations, a stunning sketch.


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Many thanks Ashenlight- do have a go and post your results, although my drawings may look difficult to reproduce I can assure they're not- if I can do this then everyone can do it! I should be interested in knowing how you get on. Have you got some Saturn blanks? I can email you some if you need them.

David thanks for reminding me- I completely forgot about Rhea! Not sure whether I'll see it but I'm going to give it a go- we can compare our results later!

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