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Starsense autoguider - coming soon!


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Not sure where best to put this, as it could equally sit in an imaging forum.

I came across this (pre-order only) while looking for something else on the Celestron site. It looks very similar to the Staraid autoguider, offering:

  • Starsense alignment
  • Polar alignment 
  • Auto guiding

All without the need of a computer. This would replace my current autoguider, iPolar and Starsense camera - and I do like the idea of just having to run CPWI and image capture on my laptop. Downsides are it is Celestron compatible only - I also have an AZ-GTI and have been thinking about replacing my AVX with a strain wave drive mount. 

Looks like it will be around £800 (again Staraid prices) based on the US$799. I think I'll wait for the early adopter feedback before deciding whether or not to buy one.

Celestron Starsense autoguider

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