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Is this AMP glow?


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Attached is a single 300s dark exposure (gain 130) from an IMX533-based cooled OSC. Can you tell me if the brightness in the top left corner looks like amp glow (which you aren't supposed to get on the 533 sensor...). Taken at night and with an imaging train that I haven't had any issues with light leak. I rotated the camera (unscrewed a quarter turn) and the glow was still in exactly the same location.



Dark Library SV605CC 2023-07-18_2023-07-18_03-53-16_DARK__-5.00_300.00_SVBONY SV605CC_130_40_66ED-R.fits

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Doesn't look right to me, at least doesn't look like any other IMX533/571 dark frame i have ever seen.

There is the speck of amp glow yes, but i would be more worried about the horizontal banding that seems to run across the entire frame. Very unusual looking darkframe for sure.

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4 hours ago, adyj1 said:

Attached is a single 300s dark exposure (gain 130) from an IMX533-based cooled OSC. Can you tell me if the brightness in the top left corner looks like amp glow (which you aren't supposed to get on the 533 sensor...). Taken at night and with an imaging train that I haven't had any issues with light leak. I rotated the camera (unscrewed a quarter turn) and the glow was still in exactly the same location.



Dark Library SV605CC 2023-07-18_2023-07-18_03-53-16_DARK__-5.00_300.00_SVBONY SV605CC_130_40_66ED-R.fits 17.27 MB · 12 downloads

Yeah thats not nomal just make sure its not your power supply causing issues before you consider returning it.


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2 hours ago, Adam J said:

Yeah thats not nomal just make sure its not your power supply causing issues before you consider returning it.


Thanks Adam - I used the 5A PSU that was provided with it. An earlier attempt was with the power lead i already had from a DIY power distro box and that had savage banding. 

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6 hours ago, ONIKKINEN said:

... but i would be more worried about the horizontal banding that seems to run across the entire frame. Very unusual looking darkframe for sure.

Yeah, I was going to mention that...

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Yeah, the camera definitely has a fault.  I picked up a 533 Hypercam last year from Altair that had a similar issue (with the amp glow) and was asked to return it.  I'd get in touch with SVBONY and sort out a replacement.

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