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New EdgeHD925 now lots of info needed!!! :)

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Hi guys, 

most likely I am not the first one posting about it, - but will try to summarise my findings in this post for myself and for any future queries.

1) My EdgeHD comes with Vixen dovetail and looking forward to add one more... Losmandy preferably... Any cheaper options with matching holes and length and curvature? it Looks like it has to be attached with one bolt closer to the secondary and 2 bolts at rear (near focuser) if I am not mistaken... The scope , itself, has quite a few bolts screwed into the OTA which look like matching the location for dovetails holes, - but do they covering the "proper" strong slot/hole for the dovetail screws, - the bolts in place, look almost decorative... I have no Focal Reducer yet and want to add the dovetail ASAP as I cannot attach my EvoGuide by any other means.... I dont want to play around AOG the first night...

2) Focuser... Looks like everyone goes for Crayford for AP... Thinking to add Baader to the money-blackhole in my pocket... Baader Diamond Steeltrack (BDS) 2" Focuser for SCT/EdgeHD (SC) - Baader Planetarium UK (baader-planetarium.co.uk) but I am not sure if it is backfocus friendly... As I understand 146mm will have to be added to the Focal Reducer, - does this one even attachable to the FR?
Any other cheaper options capable to hold ZWO AOG and Mono setup (EFW+ASI1600)? (ZWO EAF is waiting for a job... so Not interested in any automated "quantum/nano" £700 options).

Anyone tried this one?

OVL   Crayford Focuser For SCT Telescopes - Rother Valley Optics Ltd

Why not?

3) Focal Reducer.... standard is 0.7 at the price of my kidney, - any alternatives at all?

4)  Moving forward will go OAG way, - I do have ZWO one, will test it on at least F7 as I am sure it's prism is way too small for F10 and I will not find guiding stars with my ZWO ASI 120MM Mini....
have not investigated this field much, - will update later. Any advise is welcome.


All in all, HD925 asks for around £1000 in accessories.... (Focuser+Reducer+dovetails+dewheaters+other small bits)...
I would like to prioritise my spending to enable Astrophotography ASAP...

Mount NEQ6, - so I guess, Dovetails+Focal Recuder goes first...

But if no Crayford focuser is used, I will also need T Adapter and special bracket for ZWO autofocuser... (kinda waste of money... as these two are around £100)

BTW, which one T Adapter goes for ASI1600 the larger or smaller one?
I guess, the larger one, - Celestron M48 T-Adapter for EdgeHD 9.25”, 11”, AND 14” | First Light Optics 

Also, are there any LARGE couplers on the market to buy separately, which I would be able to use for ZWO focuser's motor and focuser knob which is around 10mm diameter....
I would print the bracket, saw some on internet (around £45 in savings). I guess, the one below will do the job as Focuser's Shaft diameter is 13mm.
I could find only 5x12mm




Any advise is welcome

Tri-Bahtinov printing...
Not sure if I need Bob Knobs for the secondary, - simple PC screws will do... I guess... they are usually quite reflective, but shouldn't be a problem.

Edited by RolandKol
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  • 4 weeks later...

At the moment, I ended up with Baader Steeltrack Diamond Sc For Sct (from the first look, a very solid focuser! I hope my excitement will not vanish!!!).
Full focal train:

x0.7 reducer + Baader Focuser + noise piece + (ZWO AOG V1 + ASI120mm mini) + 11mm ZWO ring + 2mm T2-T2 adapter, + EFW, +ASI1600.

All as per image below. Focus point is in around 25mm drawtube out.

I will try to refocus using Primary Mirror with Baader's drawtube around 15mm out, - I guess it should work, but first night was quite short...

Just FYI,

I also tried to focus without 11mm ring and without T2-T2, - no luck... AOG camera distance does not match with the main cam in such a case and only one camera comes into focus.


Sadly, my first light was disappointing...

Look at Vega below, the star is not centred in it's reflection :( 

I have not touched collimation yet, but such star alignment looks like not a collimation issue...


Any advice?
Maybe L filter was slightly tilted?
Will try other filters next time.... 




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49 minutes ago, knobby said:

No expert but ASTAP is showing some tilt ... not much though ?


ZWO OAG is probably the weakest point and can give-in a bit under weight of EFW and Camera... 

Will check and re-attach before next session, - thanks for idea!

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  • 1 month later...

So after some usual AP struggles (adaptors, cables and etc) ... and even after some really painful disasters (like faulty NEQ6 motherboard), I do have my first light :)

Collimation was not yet done, - image is as from "factory" and as I had no bright stars in the view, - that "miss-alligned" star issue was not a problem...

My NEQ6 was struggling...

HD925 @F7 is probably max what it can handle and not in the perfect manner... PHD2 graph was all over the place,

And I was not expecting to achieve anything close to this image below...

my apologies @malc-c, - I have not yet posted my old/faulty NEQ6 board to you as I was occupied with all kind of AP issues + my car decided to make life even more "funny" :)

So I completely forgot.


IC 1396A


Edited by RolandKol
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