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My first lunar images

Dr Dixon

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My first attempt at imaging. I had an old trust 352x288 CCD web cam that i decided to canabilise and give it a go.

Attached are the results i managed to grab from the avi i took. I have a v. basic 4inch newt, I cant track at the so there only short sequences of about 10 or 20 frames stacked as i basically just let the moon drift across as the capture ran.

Still working out how to use registax as well.

The full image is from my Panasonic FZ 18 at full zoom, i took a bunch of pictures and then stacked them to give the final.

Anyway I am quite please with the first attempt, though theres a lot of contrast as it was so bright.

Will be waiting for the next moon to have another go and see if i can get some better shots

Comments and advice gratefully recieved






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Thanks for the comments.

Yes the kit isnt great, its a 'Department Store' Scope by Tasco aptly named 'From the Earth to the Moon', that i got years ago as a present, its not been used for years either. It was the astromony week thing that got me to get it out of the loft!.

Having said that the view always seems to be pretty sharp.

The Focusing is a pain as the rack and pinion is stiff i think the grease has gone solid so i have to wind out go past the focus and then wind in as its smoother that way and it moves all over the whilst focusing, not helpfull

My method at the moment is lining up the moon setting the focus as best i can, then pointing to a spot that the moon will drift across and waiting for it to appear and kick of the recording.

I will preserve for a while i think, but already eyeing up new kit as i have the bug.

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Well, you should be able to take apart the focuser and give it a clean and a regrease. You can buy some 1mm thick teflon strips ( I got some on Ebay) and glue them onto the inside tube for smoother motion.

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