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I tried to sketch the sun this afternoon.

Naughty Neal

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As per the title .

Under White light conditions using the Baader film with my homwmade filters.

I have two refractors I use for WL .

One an old but battered well used Japan  Circle T 60mm f11.6  Janik  refractor.

The other a Scopetech stl80a L , a 80mm f12.5 japan refractor.

A simple White paper sketch using only a pencil, I managed to tease out another 40%  fainter spots with the Scopetech to add to the sketch.

Some of the central positioning of the larger spots are a little too high and should  have been approx. 1 cm lower. 

The  W & N notations are my viewing /garden orientation , the rear garden facing slightly South of due West at approx. 262 degrees.



My White light filters , I used the method from the Sky at night film clip using 200gsm Blue craft card. One each for the objective lens of the refractors and the sight scope.







Edited by Naughty Neal
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The spot on the edge at 20.00  I missed with the 60mm, it needed the better clarity of the 80mm and the ortho to tease it out.

It was only when I swapped out to the 80 that I noticed quite a few more central fainter smaller spots. 


I was thinking of a solar wedge but think as I have the WL filters any further spend would be better put towards a dedicated item like a PST.

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The sun was in an interesting state, a lot of spots to fill your sketch. 👍

Nice sketch thanks for sharing, cool sun filter also, it's a fun hobby to build these as well, yours look well made.



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The filters are effective and as per best practice I check them each time for damage against the sun by simply holdng them a few inches a way form my eye, they are a  snug fit on the end of the optics/OTA's.  

The only bit I deviated from  with  the Sky at Night design was to make the second wrap around of card to be stuck  protrude beyond the flattish plain of the solar material  by 0.5 - 1cm , simply so that the film can't rest on a flat surface .  

Edited by Naughty Neal
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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting and well drawn white light sketches, lot’s of spots in both of them. The second one reminds me of a chain of islands going across the Sun, the things non distinct shapes make people think of. (or maybe I just need a holiday 😆) You obviously have an eye for detail and observation also. 

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10 hours ago, StarDuke82 said:

Interesting and well drawn white light sketches, lot’s of spots in both of them. The second one reminds me of a chain of islands going across the Sun, the things non distinct shapes make people think of. (or maybe I just need a holiday 😆) You obviously have an eye for detail and observation also. 

Thanks for your input nd thought's, as sketchers we all proabably think they are nothing special and it is the remarks from others that spur each one of us who sketch to keep trying .

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6 minutes ago, Naughty Neal said:

Thanks for your input nd thought's, as sketchers we all proabably think they are nothing special and it is the remarks from others that spur each one of us who sketch to keep trying .

It’s not easy to transfer what you see onto paper it does take practice and talent so yes it’s something special, people actually take white light drawing classes and you’re working with homemade filters and sketching with talent alone so never stop trying, and I won’t either. 🫡

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1 hour ago, StarDuke82 said:

It’s not easy to transfer what you see onto paper it does take practice and talent so yes it’s something special, people actually take white light drawing classes and you’re working with homemade filters and sketching with talent alone so never stop trying, and I won’t either. 🫡


Very nicley put StarDuke.

I did take up art at school when I was a teenager as one of my main subjects, but that was well over  45 years ago.  I haven't tbh touched sketching or anything  since .

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/06/2023 at 18:40, Naughty Neal said:


Very nicley put StarDuke.

I did take up art at school when I was a teenager as one of my main subjects, but that was well over  45 years ago.  I haven't tbh touched sketching or anything  since .

Keep up the good work. I like your sketches very much. One day that sun will come out to play and I can join you all again.


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