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M81 first go with new OSC 2600mc

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Finally got out with the new camera and managed a quick session. This is only 50x2min subs plus darks, camera set to 100 gain, 20 offset, temperature -5. I need much more data but after all the clouds we've had impatience got the better of me so processed what I have so far using APP and photoshop. I know its far from perfect so tips very very welcome, this is a huge step up for me moving from dslrs to a dedicated OSC also my processing skills leave a lot to be desired!!!!

M81_APP-RGB-session_1-cbg-St photoshopprocessedjpeg.jpg

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Looks like you’ve got some colour in there, @dark knight.   I also got 49x2 minute useable shots of M81 with my ASI2600 a few nights ago too. So it will be interesting to compare once I’ve got them processed. So far I see hardly any colour at all. 

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On 23/04/2023 at 22:28, dark knight said:

Thnx guys, ouroboros I discarded about 20 subs due to satellites!!! I also could of framed it better I think.

Yes, satellites are noticeably increasing in number. Several of my shots had two satellites crossing at the same time.  From memory I think 10 of 60 subs (17%) contained satelite trails.  Fortunately I didn’t have to discard any of them because Pixinsight does a good job at weeding them out.  I did have to discard 11 subs though due to misshaped stars due to wind shake. It was a very blustery night. 

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My advice is watch your black point. I suspect that you may have pulled it in too far, giving a very dark sky and cropping out the fainter extensions of your galaxies. There is always a big temptation to get rid of gradients by clipping them out with the black point. That is not the way, nor will it ever be. Don't be frightened of a lighter background sky.


Edited by ollypenrice
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